Saturday, 23 July 2022

"Are You Going Skinny Dipping In The Sea Tonight Girls?"

If I have told this anecdote or antidote before sorry but it's one one of my tales:

Myself and a friend were walking in Kerry and we walked into a pub in a village with a estuary river.  The pints of Guinness were very refreshing after our walk over the Conor Pass that morning from Dingle.  

We walked 100 miles from Friday to Monday and made our own route around and near the Dingle Way.  The highlight of the trip was discovering the Marahees and walking 12 miles along Ireland's largest beach.

The bar was pretty busy and there was a wedding party from London who were going to have a reception in the pub.   It was like Eastenders meets Glenroe if you follow my warped television soap opera imagination.

The language was colourful like your hear in any pub over here except there was definitely a London sound to the words and conversations:

One lad walked up to two girls at the side of me, holding and drinking his pint of larger (lager) and said:

"Are you going skinny  dipping in the sea tonight girls?"

They both pulled their faces and one girl said:

"No fack off!"

I found it amusing so did the lad and his mates.


  1. The chat up ritual seems to have changed a fair bit since my day.

  2. Maybe JayCee. I think Dutch courage made him talk to the girls. He had a sense of humour and they didn't find him amusing. I did.

  3. I think there is a comment in spam from me.

  4. Yes they didn't fancy a Midnight dip.

  5. So they say "fack" off in Kerry and not the usual "feck" off"? I prefer "fick" off because I am "fick".

  6. They were London girls YP. I should have mentioned that.


Keith Floyd Irish Cooking TV Heaven.

 Keeping with my Irish theme and a repost.  I first showed this in 2016. The late great Keith Floyd once owned a restaurant in Kinsale here ...