Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Beetroot Leaves.

 Apparently they are edible?

I was going to feed the newly harvested beetroot leaves to the pigs and poultry and I had read somewhere that red or purple (can't  do shades of colour) can be toxic.  Rhubarb leaves for example.

So I Googled beetroot leaves and apparently they are nutritious and if you went in one of those Yuppy pubs like the Slug and Lettuce you might get served a beetroot leave salad and a "gloss of whine".

Any road there's no chance of it doing any harm to our ducky wucks and piggy wigs so it's good enough for us.

What do you do with your beetroot leaves?  Smoke them?  Eat them, compost them, make soup?  I suppose you could even eat the beetroots?


  1. My humans eat 'em Dave. It seems that generations of women in F's family have been serving them up to their families. No different to eating Swiss Chard (also called silver beet) really. Xxx Mr T

  2. I forgot about Swiss Chard Tigger. We have grown it in the past. I have sampled borscht made with beetroot in Poland. Apparently it originates in Russia and its a seaside vegetable and appreciates a sprinkle of salt. Thanks for commenting Tigger 👍

  3. I have recently started growing Perpetual Spinach, also know as Perpetual Silver Beet which is also in the Beets family. Highly recommend it as a tasty and easy grow leafy vegetable.

  4. I tend to sew the beetroot leaves together to make a stylish sunhat.

  5. I imagine any beetroot leaves in a salad would have to be the small and new tender ones not the full grown leaves which would be too tough. You are correct about the rhubarb though, they are toxic.

    1. Yes River I always check out and weeds or vegetables leaves before we eat them or feed to livestock.

  6. Eat them of course...delicious small in a salad or bigger as tasty spinach...and the tough leaves go to compost.
    The roots? Salad, steamed, pickled, chutneys....I might try dried to a crisp this year, the bought ones are tasty.....

    1. Thanks GZ. I feed the pigs and ducks and hens any waste off the vegetables and that ends up in the fym pile. I don't give them the potatoes stalks though.

  7. I have eaten beetroot leaf salad and it was delicious. I think I shall persuade my Lord and Madter to plant some beetroot. Thanks for the nudge Dave.

  8. Thanks Stellamarina.its always good to get vegetable recommendations to grow and taste.

  9. Hi JayCee. They are very nice beetroot this year and they are a seaside vegetable originally from Russia. So many of our very originate from overseas.

  10. We always eat the beetroot leaves. Boiled and dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. Go for it. Generations of Greeks say they're delicious. I'm not Greek. I only eat the bulbs 😁

  11. They sound delicious LA. I love lemon juice and I also like limes.

  12. I know you can buy tiny beetroot leaves for salads so see no reason why you can't eat the big ones.

  13. Thanks Briony. We are going to try the beetroot leaves with our homegrown potatoes tonight.

  14. Sautee them in olive oil with garlic and lemon.

  15. They sound great Debby- thanks!


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