Wednesday, 7 June 2023

New Potatoes And Japanese Onions.

 We started harvesting the new potatoes we planted in the potatoes growing bags that we bought at the car boot last year.

The Japanese over winter onions had started to bolt and look like they wanted to set seed.  I'm not surprised with the unseasonally very hot weather that we have had in all of Ireland for the last two weeks or so.

We are eating more of the new potatoes and onions tonight.  My late father would have said that we picked them too small.  But to me that's what a new potato should be. Small is beautiful.

You can rub their skin off with your finger nails.  The new potatoes 🥔 are absolutely delicious and you can't buy anything so fresh in a supermarket or drop.

Once again it resonates with me that you don't need to be Middle-class or have a garden or allotment to grow your own vegetables.


  1. Just the right size. I would steam mine and add a knob of Manx butter.

  2. Exactly JayCee. Just the right size. We always steam them and eat them with mint sauce or mint for the potatoes or Mojitos. Does Manx butter have 3 legs?😊

    1. You would be better off with Yorkshire butter on your spuds - none of that iffy Manx stuff.

  3. What about Kerrygold Irish Butter YP? You get a free pint of Guinness if you can eat a full block of it in one sitting. Honest!

    1. I can buy KerryGold butter here! PS: Your potatoes are just the right size! Mmmmmm.

    2. You can get KerryGold butter in America Debby?

  4. F would say 'New Zealand butter' but it seems that the comments would become a tad parochial - she would eat the spuds however they were served up.

    1. Nothing wrong with being parochial Tigger. Any butter is better than that margarine stuff that's actually grey and they dye yellow like butter.

  5. Tasty!!
    I steam potatoes with mint in the water.
    Steaming them retains all the taste...and if they are coloured, you keep that as well!

  6. You're a connoisseur of serving new potatoes and fresh mint GZ. You can't buy that in the poshest of restaurants. Fresh homegrown vegetables are the best!

  7. Oh for new potatoes and good Irish butter. Lucky you. Or good work, Dave. This is the reward

  8. I think Mother Nature does the most Linda. The simple things of life are the special things we cherish.

  9. As the actress said to the bishop, "Don't fret your worship - I like 'em small!"

  10. Or what they said: " It's not a very big organ". " No it's never played in a Cathedral before". Roy Chubby Brown.

    We'll get thrown off Blogger yet YP.

  11. I should dig around in my pot and see if any potatoes have formed, does one have to wait until the foliage does down or flowers or...? It's too wet out there today anyway after two days of rain.

  12. If your potatoes are flowering potato tubers will be forming River. They will appreciate the rain. You can wait until the foliage dies back or just dig in the soil for any hidden potato gold.

  13. They won't be long to flower.


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