Sunday, 25 June 2023

Hotbed Broccoli Harvest.

 Do you remember in March when I filled an old plastic barrel (drainage holes) with fresh stable/fym manure?  Then shovelled in a few inches of topsoil?

Well we grew some Brassica plants in them and yesterday we harvested them with more homegrown new potatoes.  They were delicious.

I have been experimenting with fresh or not so fresh stable manure in raised beds in the New  polytunnel. 

I half filled them with stable straw manure and covered them with a few inches of raked topsoil.  This is a great planting medium and we planted beetroots, cabbages and swedes.  None of them have burned up from the fresh manure and its a great source of nitrogen and other beneficial growing additives.

Anyone else experimented growing with fresh manure in their veg plot?  Hot beds were used by Victorian growers and we can do the same in the twenty first century.


  1. I used pony poo in one bed, with good results for squashes.

  2. Yes all kinds of stable manure and seaweed are very good for the garden GZ.

  3. Is it safe to use fresh manure? No nasties leaching into the soil to contaminate the crops?

  4. Freshish manure Jaycee with a soil barrier in between the fym and the vegetable plants. No chemicals or animal drugs used. So I would say they are perfectly safe 'organic' even natural. No weedkillers and pesticides except the slug pellets which are said to be safe these days. Unlike the stuff we buy in the supermarkets with air miles and covered in sprays and sprayed with weedkillers and pesticides. Even Organic farms use diesel tractors to cultivate their crops.

  5. I have never tried hot manure and probably never will.

  6. Fine. Thanks for your comment anyway.

  7. Fresh manure in the veg plot only happens when the missus is having a bath and I can't get to the big porcelain telephone.

  8. Ha,ha. Male urine is supposed to be very good for the compost heap YP. I remember going on the big white telephone and talking to Hughie and Ralph the sick gods.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...