Thursday, 8 June 2023

To Ballyshannon And To See My Rock Hero: Michael Schenker And His MSG Band.

 The main purpose of my visit to County Donegal was to visit Ballyshannon for the Rory Gallagher Rock Festival and to see Michael Schenker and his group.

He was a former member of the Scorpions and UFO.  I have seen the Scorpions and former member Ulri Jon Roth live but never seen Michael or UFO.  I have been a fan of his music since the nineteen eighties.  

Here's some photos for your perusal:

Bronze Rory Gallagher statue in the centre of Ballyshannon town/village.  Where he was born and grew up in Cork.   In previous blog posts I have featured his videos and music and visited his grave in Ballincollig near Cork city.  Go into my blog search to see more.

Cape Daisies. 

A former church now a veterinary hospital.
A band outside a pub.
Flower bed.
Pot pig in a florist shop.
I got quite close to the front.

The Rock God that is Michael Schenker and his band.  He's 68 years old and fit as a fiddle or flying V.

My favourite track was: "Into The Arena".  Well worth a look and listen to on good old YouTube: 

I can't stop playing this and the recent videos from Ballyshannon on You Tube.

You can't beat live music can you?


  1. I saw UFO at Hornsea Floral Hall a few years before Michael Schenker joined them. They were loud and yet I put my head in one of the horn speakers at the side of the stage. It is a wonder I am not as deaf as a doorpost.

  2. Yes I remember when my ears would buzz the next morning after a concert. Half the MSG set was playing UFO tracks. Great music.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...