Tuesday 19 September 2023


It looks like Hurricane Nigel  arrived early at the smallholding this morning.    Perhaps it's Brexit Party's Revenge after I said Brexit was a disaster?
The Oxford Sandy and Black and the Berkshire were none the worse for wear and lay on their straw bed snoozing.
I sent the missus for baling twine and the sledge hammer and I somehow managed to wrestle the pig ark down and wedged it and drove some posts in with my firewood axe and tied them down with the twine and number 2 son helped hold the posts whilst I hammered them in.  I said the old Laurel and Hardy joke:

"I'll nod my head and you hit it!"  

You have got to laugh haven't you?

It didn't take long to batten down the hatches and it looks it's the start of the gale season? Ten minutes later and a several swear words later we were back to normal.

Over in Blighty the Met office is predicting that Hurricane Nigel will send an heatwave next week.  

It will be like when you get off the  cheap flight planes and on to the beaches in the Algarve and you see all the white legs, old summer dresses and cut off leg denim shorts and maybe a knotted handkerchief a "kiss me quick" hat or ten? Or is that Blackpool I'm thinking of or maybe Benidorm? Any winter holiday plans? I have it's just finding the dosh.

We are lighting the stove in the front room at night now.  Are you?


  1. Good job you battened down the pig ark before it made its way over here.
    We are expecting the gales tonight and into tomorrow. Should be a good test for our leaky windows.

  2. I have put an extra rope over our tatty little polytunnel.....

    No plans here this winter except stay warm... Pirate's Attendance Allowance will be going towards the extra fuel bills..... normally I wouldn't turn the central heating on until the evening, if then it was under 18 and we were just sitting...otherwise no heating. Now it is during the day and comes on if it drops below 18.
    If he can get a handle on everything there are plans for NZ in just over a year.... hopefully the consultant will tell us next week if they expect him to live that long....

  3. You wouldn't put a milk bottle outside in this weather JayCee. Supposed to bring an heatwave to Blighty next week. Yes I would imagine they might rattle about. Any winter escape holidays planned? I have plenty of ideas but not many pennies at the momento.

  4. Hi GZ. I wonder how much we spend on fuel during the 6 months of Autumn, Winter and Spring? I do hope you both get to see New Zealand again. We are hoping to get to Portugal or Madiera sometime this Winter. I like having holidays abroad during the gale season far from the madding crowds.

  5. Oh-oh! The pig ark was upended! That should make headline news in "The Sheep's Head Gazette"!

  6. Maybe YP? They heard about it 3 fields: Sheffield, Chesterfield and Mansfield. Big news in the IOM is when somebody gets their lawnmower stolen!

  7. I forgot to say the sheep here are not very good readers so it's a very small readership. The bah bers are the main advertisers.

  8. I'm about to turn on the heater right now and it's Spring here! Yesterday it was shorts and sandals weather, today I'm roasting vegetables to warm up the kitchen and heating the living room, also with "door sausages" (draught stoppers) by both doors to keep out the cold wind.

  9. We have just had days of summer gales and yes we are away on our autumn holiday . Not quite winter. 2 weeks beside a beach that isn't on an island. There were sandstorms yesterday whipping up sand to blast our faces and hurl plastic chairs into the sea . I hope it's over today and I can get a bit of tan on my white knees

  10. Great news River. Wish it was Spring here. At least it's not raining or windy today. Those door sausages sound to be a very practical way of keeping the draught out. I need to chop some firewood today.

  11. Gosh Linda. It's still good to have a change of surroundings and enjoy some good food and drink. Hope the weather is great for you today and for the rest of your holiday.


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