Friday, 8 December 2023

Cat In A Box.

 Our cats 🐈 😻 loves cardboard box/ boxes or an old Tayto crisps box in particular.

Muzz Muss is up her cat tree perched in the box.

Cats are like typical kids on Christmas day afternoon.  Preferring to play in the box that expensive plastic toy came in.

Remember this eighties 🎵 song?

The band was called Living In A Box and so was their hit single and LP.


  1. When you see tall blocks of flats - it is easy to think of that line: "living in a box". The architects who designed them did not live in them. Grenfell was the perfect example.

    1. I remember when I was studying O level Sociology and the Cereal Packet Norm YP. Talcott Parsons talking about the overspill high rise blocks and taking the heart out of traditional East End local communities. Grenfell was a tragedy and so close to Chelsea and the privileged few YP.

  2. I was living under a rock in 1980s so never heard that unless it was released Downunder. It is a very 80s sound though isn't it? You could put it a quiz for 'identify the decade'....

  3. HI TM. thought eighties music was very brave and people weren't afraid to experiment and think outside the box. No pun intrended.😊. I can't stand most modern music but give me 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s any time.

  4. If you make a circle out of anything in the middle of the floor, a cat will sit in it.

    1. I didn't know that Tasker. Cats and dogs are characters.

  5. I have never heard of the song or the band, but I'm in a different country. I get surprised to see cats curled up in boxes because none of mine ever liked them, they all prefer to have enough space around for a quick getaway.

  6. Our cats 🐈 live in harmony with our dogs River a part from an odd spit, scratch and hiss. But they like their own territories. It was a good eighties song and often plays in my mental jukebox.

  7. Like the song. I've never heard it before.

  8. Glad you liked the song Linda.


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...