Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Brass Plaque Cats Station Memorials.

 We caught our train from Chichester and got off at Croydon.

Some how we had to try to catch trains to Canterbury without going into the city of London.

We met a lovely lady railway clerk and she couldn't do enough to help us.  But even she was perplexed on how we would get there without venturing in the capital city.  She led us to a ticket office and gave a wizard ticket man our travel dilemma? Within in a minute he had printed out an escape route to get us to our Canterbury train station.

Four trains later and even the wrong one that was taking us to Hastings and a few long waits we got there.  

Dearest readers if  anyone ever suggests that they will sell you a cheap off peak train ticket avoiding London city  and taking you on a wild goose chase. Don't  take it! Pay for the direct ticket and avoid the stress.

Whilst waiting for another train I noticed these brass plaques dedicated to beloved station CAT🐯S!  Don't they gladden your heart?

Forget about the Fat Cats who have got all the cream.  Let's remember the Station Cats and give them esteem!

My blog title sounds like the name of a Prog Rock band.  I will post about some bands in my next post.


  1. How nice the station cats are remembered!
    Another adventure. You'll have lots of tales to tell when you grow old

  2. Wonderful plaques aren't they Linda. I only noticed them because I was waiting for a train to arrive. It's great those cats and their tails are remembered.

  3. As I recall, Dave Northsider was the lead singer for The Brass Plaque Cats Station Memorials. What a pair of lungs he had on him! Shame about the drink and drugs that led him into a life of debauchery. It is said that after rehabilitation, he fled to the west of Ireland with a groupie called Jean to raise pigs and two sons called Bernard and Willie.

    1. Why couldn't we be in a famous rock band YP?

    2. Our chance has gone Dave. Besides, we didn't meet up in real life. I would have been the lead singer. What would you have done? We might have been called The Reserves or Miles of Smiles or The Sausage Rolls or JayCee and The Moonshine Band.

    3. Lead electric triangle player would be me YP.

  4. I even follow some station cats on instything these days. Nice to know they are highly regarded.

  5. Yes it is nice they are highly regarded Tigger's Mum.

  6. A local station here has just added a statue of their cat, as everyone was missing him after he died. Hubby and I don't use the trains, National Express buses are regular to London, clean and much cheaper, it's takes just over 2 hours and London Victoria is a hub for all buses going from the capital.

  7. Have you censored my original mischievous comment or did it go to "Spam"?

  8. That's a nice gesture by your local station Marlene. In Ireland public transport is free if you are over 66.

  9. I have noticed that stations often have good plaques in England. In Moscow there is a statue to a station feral dog who was much loved by the users of the Underground.

  10. Thanks for telling us about the feral dog statue in Moscow Rachel. I have also seen Paddington Bears statue at Paddington Station in London.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...