Monday, 9 September 2024

Some More Of The Oxford Places We Saw And Visited..

My last Oxford post left of my trip to Blighty:

We went on a bit of a wild goose chase jumping on an off busses trying the find Wolvercote Cemetery outside of the city.

I noticed Sir Roger Bannister middle distance(four minute mile) and his wife's grave.

My friend is a big follower of Cardinal Newman who founded the Oxford Movement. Cardinal Newman was an Anglican vicar who converted to Roman Catholicism.  Our first visit of the day was to visit The College Of Littlemore.

The sisters kindly showed us around the buildings.

I was interested in the herbaceous borders and pointed out the Michaelmas Daisies.  The parched lawn shows how hot it was.
Cardinal  Newman's Chapel

The college.
Cardinal Newman bust.
Sign to the JRR Tolkein grave.
A yellow Rhododendrons type flower.  Is it a Linodendron?   It flowers around September.  I have seen them in Cornwall many years ago.
Thomas Cranmer and the other Protestant Martyrs were burned alive near the Martyrs' Memorial.  The Book of Common Prayer is said to be the work of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer.
JRR Tolkien grave.  I have only read The Hobbit.    One of my favourite English Prog Rock bands: 'Marillion ' were named after his book The Silmarillion.

The Oratory church.  This was JRR Tolkien's church where he attended Mass and Gerald Manley Manley Hopkins was a curate here.  We attended the evening mass.  It was different to anything I know but I found it beautiful and very very peaceful.  There are so many fine and some ancient churches in Oxford.
Ornamental fountain.

More homeless sleeping in graveyards.  I have mentioned homeless people three times on this latest visit to Blighty.  
Yet another fabulous ecclesiastical building.
Posh and expensive housing being built near Wolvercote Cemetery.  Google them if you have got plenty of money?

This concludes my series of trips to England posts! It was very tiring but we got to lots of different places and we took in two music festivals and a Chris Isaak concert.  I don't know when I will see a rock band for a long time.  

A vegetable growing post tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for sharing these images of what was a kind of pilgrimage. Key destinations have been ticked off your list so if you return to Ye Merrie Olde Englande next summer what will you search for?

  2. Thanks YP. I think next year it will be a trip to a prog festival in Europe or a music festival off Scotland like the Shetland Isles. Southern England has beautiful towns, villages and cities but it is very expensive.

  3. It's lovely to see your photo's here in a place where you can look back anytime you want to.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...