Thursday, 26 September 2024

Fishbox Vegetable Growing.


No not the name for a prog rock band.  Although it's not a bad name for one🤔.

I recently moved the fish boxes into the polytunnel to grow vegetables this Autumn and Winter.

I filled them with well rotted fym and compost.  Then I got J to sow some seeds in the fish boxes.

There are carrots, peas and lettuce happily growing in the boxes. 

I put mesh over the lettuces because Socks the cat keeps sleeping on them at night.  Have you got a polytunnel cat?

I often write on here that you don't need to have an allotment or garden to grow your own organic vegetables.  All you need is something to grow them in.  You can grow them anywhere. 


  1. Anywhere? Could you grow them in a swimming pool? A concrete driveway? Your mother-in-law's head?

  2. You could if you filled the swimming pool with fym and topsoil and unplugged the water. I have grown veg in a back yard and on a upstairs inside window sill I grew potatoes in a pot in a flat. Don't worry about allotment waiting lists get yourself some dish boxes, oil tanks, plastic baths and make raised beds and grow your own organic vegetables.

    1. The FYM Agency works in media production. It stands for "Free Your Mind" - "We are a multi-faceted team of content creators who work with innovative brands and companies to create engaging motion projects for a new generation of viewers."

    2. That sounds like it should be Spam or is it corned beef?

  3. I use whatever I can find, but on a much smaller scale than you, I have a small plastic greenhouse inside my bigger glass greenhouse, it saves me having to use heat for tender plants. I keep an old airer as a door to keep out unwanted animals. Marlene, Poppypatchwork

  4. Great repurposing Marlene with the plastic greenhouse and old airer. I don't mind Socks seeking shelter in the polytunnel especially on a wet and cold night. I found a dead rat on the lawn this morning. The cats are earning their keep.

  5. It's too miserable even to go in the greenhouse today.

  6. Is it Tasker? I often spend raining days gardening in the polytunnel. It feels colder today. We have started lighting the stove every night now.

  7. Too many cats around here. They dig in my pots, break my garden ornaments and are a damn nuisance. And they're not ours!!

  8. Sounds like Socks and the late Mr T are/were similarly motivated by greenhouses and plant trays. I do wish we still had Mr T detering rodents.

  9. There's always some creature wandering among the plants and vegetables TM. Will you get a new cat when you move to New Zealand?


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...