Saturday 28 September 2024

Carboot Selling Or Not.

 We got up early last Saturday morning to go to a car boot sale some one had seen advertised online.

When we got there the gates were locked.  How strange we thought.  Then we checked the date of the sale and it is not until flipping October!

Last Sunday morning we went to another carboot sale that was open this time!  I emptied the van of plants and bric a brac..

My self propagated plants.

Business was very slow and disheartening.  One lady asked me how much were my Sedums?  I said:

"Two Euros fifty".  

She didn't answer and walked away.

They are at least 4. 50 in the garden centres.  Some are six Euros even!

It was a very disappointing morning.  We only  took 24 Euros.  We wish that we had stayed in bed for the weekend.  

Carbooting is like fishing.  Some days you catch and some days you don't!

I am sure if I had been carbooting in England I would have sold all my plants.  Isn't England a nation of gardeners after all?  Or is it shop keepers?

I don't think we will be carbooting this Sunday.  It's a bad forecast for very heavy rain and flooding.  I guess its the start of gale season?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tasker. There's a lot of people who don't like plants.

  2. My friend who I had lunch with this week is a car-booter in that she regularly sells at car-boots in this area. She was telling me that the manners of people has dropped considerably and she regularly experiences rudeness and insults. She is thick skinned but she said the change is very noticeable and is gradually getting worse. She has been car-booting for years.

  3. Totally agree with your friend Rachel. A lot of people want to pay nothing or next to nothing.


Carboot Selling Or Not.

 We got up early last Saturday morning to go to a car boot sale some one had seen advertised online. When we got there the gates were locked...