Friday, 6 September 2024

"Didn't I See You Play Cropredy Last Saturday?"

 At A New Day Festival I met the bass player from the Zac Shulze Gang.

I said didn't I see you play Cropredy last Saturday?"

He smiled and shook my hand and said:

"Yes you did ."

I said you didn't play any Rory stuff?"

"Don't worry man.  We will play some Rory today!"

Sure enough he kept to his word and they played their Ballyshannon tribute song that they played at A New Day festival.

I saw them and Focus twice in a week.  In 2019 I met the Focus keyboard player and flautist.   New Day festival is a place where the performers mingle with the punters like me.

The next posts will be around Oxford and I have written/wrote some vegetable blog posts for next week.  The veg plot and polytunnel feeds us every day.  One thing I missed in Blighty was the gardens, plants and vegetables.

We are having an Indian Summer here in Ireland and I am weeding and gardening like mad.  Have a great weekend!



  1. An Indian summer? Does that mean you are dressed up like a Cherokee brave and J. as your submissive squaw? "White man speak with forked tongue!"

  2. Yes it's not raining this week YP. Running Water also appears when I turn the tap on the hosepipe sprinkler in the polytunnel. It's always nice weather here when the kids go back to school.

  3. More blog comments tomorrow perhaps?

  4. We saw Focus in Holmfirth a few years ago. Isn't the keyboard player the leader? He was outside as we were waiting to go in, but I didn't recognise him. They were good, In The House Of The King, Hocus Pocus, but so loud. I ended up with tissues in ears. Despite that, some blokes were standing next to the speakers.

    1. Yes Tasker he is the leader. I have seen or heard them four or five times. Great band.

  5. Have lived here 30 years and never been to Oxford. I should fix that. Have been to Droxford - pretty village in Hampshire. Has a book exchange in an old phone box. Does that count?

  6. There is history everywhere TM. Well worth a visit.

  7. No I have never visited Droxford. I would like to visit Cambridge some time.

  8. Still dry and brown here. Though it did rain a few days ago. Weeds should appear any minute now. Have fun with yours

  9. Yes it was mostly the same in England Linda. It's been nice here for the last week or so.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...