Sunday, 29 September 2024

"I Hated You, I Loved You, Too".

 We watched "Emily" the film about Emily Bronte the other evening.  

It was very enjoyable and certainly a different take on a parson's daughter from the West Riding of Yorkshire.

Patrick Bronte looked like the pictures I have seen of him in Haworth Parsonage.  But wouldn't Reverend Brunty (real name!) still have some of an Irish accent?

Also I don't think Branwell would not have said to Emily:

"Give it some welly!"

Nearly 200 years ago, do you?

I did enjoy the film though.  Emma Mackey is a big Wuthering Heights fan and you can tell this with her brilliant acting performance.

If you have read the novel you will think the film is biographical and Emily lived the passion and tragedy to be able to write the book.  She also posessed vivid imagination writer skills and often walked on the moors to Top Withens to get her inspiration.

Wuthering Heights is the only Bronte book I have read.  It's a love story that goes beyond even death.

It must be over thirty years since I last went to Haworth and retraced the Brontes steps and had a pint or three in the Black Bull where Branwell used to drink.  I walked the five miles to Top Withens and a Japanese young lady walked passed reading Wuthering Heights.  What a wonderful thing to do.

If you are fan of Kate Bush and the Bronte family.  I would watch this film.  The blog title are Kate Bush lyrics from her rock classic hit song:

I would love to have seen Kate Bush.  Have you seen her live?  Have you seen Emily the film?


  1. I loved that film. I have seen it twice. I separated it from all the pre-conceived ideas about Emily and just enjoyed it. Wuthering Heights was my set book last year, as you probably remember, and I know it well now. No characters did I warm to but it certainly was a briliantly crafted story. Thanks Dave for the post.

  2. Yes a great film Rachel. I have only read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and no books by the other Bronte sisters. I have visited Haworth many many times and Anne Bronte's grave in Scarborough. Yorkshire is well worth visiting. Especially York, Scarborough, Whitby and Haworth and Hebden Bridge. Thanks Rachel.

  3. Wuthering Heights was a great novel. I enjoyed reading it and also enjoyed the original film - was it made back in the 1930s??
    I was a great fan of Kate Bush too back in the day and would sing along with her, as did everyone else!!

    1. Same year that the Wizard of Oz was made(1939) JayCee. Kate Bush is a Rock Goddess in my mind. Her concerts from Hammersmith Odeon are legendary. The Celtic spirit/ banshee shines in her choreography. I adore her.

  4. The film sounds good. I'll watch out for it, if it ever turns up here

  5. It's excellent Linda. Well worth seeing.

  6. I taught "Wuthering Heights" to A level students. Considering it was Emily Bronte's only published novel, it was an utter masterpiece.

  7. I agree YP. It was an utter masterpiece. I am sure all her sisters and brother and father had an input in writing the novel. It's incredible that a spinster and vicars daughter from the west riding of Yorkshire could devise such a complexed and gothic plot.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...