Sunday, 8 September 2024

The Final Resting Place Of A Literary Hero.

 After we visited The Kilns.  We asked a local lady directions to Holy Trinity church in Quarry Road Headington.  She was very amiable and gave us excellent directions.

It's about ten minutes walk away and you cross a busy main road.  Then you walk into a very quiet suburban area and find the church after a nice man washing his car again pointed us in the right direction.:

The great man's final resting place.  

He died on November 22nd 1963.  Thirteen days before I was born.  It was also the day of President Kennedy's assassination and Aldous Huxley (Author) also died that day.

CS Lewis was/is liked and followed by Evangelical Christians and interestingly he believed in Purgatory.  So I am tending to think he was more High Church.  

He used to attend the eight O'clock Sunday morning service because there were no hymns and he didn't like the vicars sermons.

The church was going through renovations and the Narnia window was boarded up with plywood.

I attempted to ask a foreign sounding workman which pew CS Lewis sat in?  He looked puzzled so I said: "C S Lewis the famous writer?"

He shook his head:

"No I do not understand.  I speak little English.

I suppose my north country colloquialism didn't help.  I didn't say " nowt or summat" I don't think?😃

We both laughed and I waved goodbye.

More Oxford pics tomorrow.  


  1. The deaths of Huxley and Lewis on the same day as the Kennedy assassination rather over-shadowed newspaper coverage of them at the time. Great that you got to the grave at Headingly. I also visited the grave of one of my heroes, Wittgenstein, in Cambridge a few years ago. I spoke to a cleaner in the church at the time and she said a few people come each year to visit for the same reason.

  2. Yes it felt a great achievement Rachel to visit the grave of CS Lewis and his brother. It's a modest church but still beautiful and quintissentially English. I think his death was over shadowed by Kennedys being shot. We were the only visitors to his house and church. You have given me some reading to do looking up your heroes Rachel.

  3. Odd coincidence of all those famous people dying on the same day.
    Just spent ages looking for details of the crime fiction book that has C.S Lewis and friends solving a crime - found it! Kel Richards - The Corpse in the Cellar. Thank you for the reminder about it.

  4. Wasn't it just Sue? I don't know that book. I will Google i, thanks! GK Chesterton (another Christian writer) wrote Father Brown.

  5. Shouldn't it say "Lovers" rather than "Cyclists" on that sign fixed to the gate?

  6. Ha -ha. Do "Cyclists" really need telling?


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...