Sunday, 31 July 2022

A Rock Banshee On The BBC.

 What a treat was Kate Bush at the BBC last night.  I have been a fan of hers most of my life and she  is such an original Rock Queen.  Bexley Heath's  finest.   

Like myself her father was Irish and her mother was English.   It was a great nights viewing and can we have repeats of The Old Grey Whistle Test and Rock Goes To College please?

Incredibly coincidentally Kate and Emily Bronte were born on the same day.

In my young adulthood I spent many a day drinking in the pubs of Haworth and visiting the Parsonage and Graveyard and walking up through the Wuthering Heights and to the ruin of Top Withens where Emily got the inspiration for her classic novel.

I read the book many moons ago and like the Kate Bush video the love/hate story goes beyond death.  It's Yorkshire's oldest soap.  Written long before Emmerdale.

Last week I discovered the Gothic version of Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush.  I honestly don't remember seeing it do you?  You will find it if you go over to good old You Tube.


  1. She was certainly a one-off. A talented songwriter, expressive dancer and singer too.

  2. Yes completely original like Shakira, Madoona, Beyonce, Britney Spears and Lady gaga.. Kate comes from a very talented background and I never tire of watching her. Thanks JayCee.

  3. I thought Madoona was a village in County Limerick. I have been to Top Withens three times. As for Kate Bush - she was I I think called Bush because she refused to shave intimate areas.

  4. It could be a village in County Limerick YP. I once walked to the five miles or so Top Withens and met a Japanese girl reading Wuthering Heights whilst she walked. An amazing sight. With a name like Bush. Catherine could have had televisions named after her or she could even been the President of America.

    1. I believe that to be President of the USA you must be born there. Kate Bush was born in Bexleyheath, Kent. Her mother was an Irish nurse born in Co. Waterford.

  5. So Boris Johnson could of been the President of the USA? Thanks for the correction of Kates parents origins.

    1. Johnson couldn't even be Britain's PM. He was friggin' useless - filled with pompous self-regard and he left us with the tragic car crash that is Brexit.

  6. He was born in New York. I agree Brexit achieved nothing.

    1. Some say he was Trump's love child but I feel uncomfortable about putting "Trump" and "love" in the same sentence.

  7. Neither of them had good track records. It's a typical bank holiday Monday today here in Ireland. Throwing it down. No wonder it's called the Emerald Isle.


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...