Friday, 11 November 2022

A To Z Of Great Rock Bands.

I have decided to write an A to Zed or Zee  featuring some of my favourite Rock bands.  Some I have seen and some I still live in hope to see one day:

First one up is April Wine.  A is for a Canadian band who I have liked but never seen live.  I bought several of their vinyl records and watched them on Rock Goes To College many many times.  Do you remember Rock Goes To College on the beeb? It  was excellent.

If they ever come to West Cork or maybe Cropredy or A New Day Festival in England or some other music festival in Blighty or Ireland.  I would move Heaven and Earth to see them:

I don't get many comments when I feature Rock bands on here but I always get hundreds and hundreds of views.  


  1. I am always interested to read your music themed posts but am not able to contribute much. As I can't listen to the clips (deaf old trout that I am) I can't offer an opinion!

  2. Thanks for commenting anyway JayCee. Music especially Prog and Hard Rock is a passion of mine. Living in a very rural area I don't get to see many such bands unless I go to a festival in England or even Germany like when I went to Loreley in 2017. So I find myself forever on You Tube playing the bands I grew up to listening in my teens. Some of them are no longer here but their music lives on.

    1. I love your enthusiasm. That's why I enjoy your posts so much.

  3. Thanks JayCee. If you can't be in a band you can always write about them. Oh to be a rock writer getting paid to see super bands and write about them.

  4. Good idea Dave. I look forward to seeing some more.

  5. Thanks Rachel. I try to make my blog posts more eclectic and don't want to be a one trick pony blog writer. Blue Oyster Cult next week.

  6. Well I must admit that I had never heard of April Wine until I read this post. I then checked them out on Wikipedia and I see they have been around a long time. Interesting that they came out of Labrador and Newfoundland and not as I had expected - Toronto or Vancouver. Good song choice to illustrate their music.

  7. Thanks YP. It was the case of a pal loaning/borrowing (always get that one mixed up) a single and I was hooked. I think they came from Halifax, Nova Scotia but were/are based in Montreal. I t hink we will know more about our Canadian cousins when the Canadian/ EU deal is struck.

  8. A lot of your bands are bands which I have never heard before, so it is always interesting to have a listen. April Wine is not one of these. The thing is, back in the clouded recesses of my mind, I saw them live. I do not know where, but it was a big event with a lot of other bands. The Texas Jam fest maybe, back in the early 1980s? I would have been in my early 20s.

  9. I saw them at the CNE (large stadium in Toronto) in the early 1990s

  10. Thanks Debby. I have a lot of mental blurs of concerts I have seen. Thin Lizzy in 1981was one of them in particular. I would love to have seen April Wine.

  11. Hi Traveller. Toronto is where Rush came from I think? I have been lucky enough to see them twice at Birmingham NEC and Sheffield Arena in England. Thanks.

    1. Yes - Rush were a Toronto band. I just checked their wiki and found out that they were formed in Willowdale (and area of Toronto)! The exclamation mark is because I lived in Willowdale for 20 plus years. I did not know. I now need to listen to Subdivisions. I saw Rush at the Maple Leaf Gardens (a hockey arena) in the early 1980s ….this is quite a walk down memory lane.

      Wondering what B will bring.

  12. Rush recorded two of their albums in Wales, Traveller. I really like their seventies records in particular. 2112 is a classic. Have you read Ghost Rider by Neil Peart? He was a very gifted drummer, lyricist and author. B is Blue Oyster Cult.

    1. Damn - was going to guess Blue Oyster Cult - thought Be Bop Deluxe might be a bit obscure. C for Caravan?

    2. Sorry. - should have said haven’t read Ghost Rider but have put it on the TBR list. On the subject of drummers saw Carl Palmer a few months back. He still has it. Tiny venue. Wish I had seen Emerson - my biggest musical regret, I think.

    3. Not at all Traveller. I could think of other bands beginning with A like All about Eve. Not familiar with Bop Deluxe but I know Caravan. I saw Colisseum in August. Jazz Rock at it's finest. You have guessed my E choice. I was lucky enough to see them live. My friend saw Carl Palmer and he kept doing drum rolls. Some wit piped up: "Why don't you give the bassist a chance?" Ghost Rider is excellent. It's poignant yet also full of humour.


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