Monday, 14 November 2022

Observing The Japanese Onions Growing Progress In The Polytunnel.

 I had a look in 'Portugal' my polytunnel pal this morning to see how the Japanese onions are progressing in their new polystyrene cases that I rescued recently.  Well there's no chance of digging over the veg plot and clearing it of weeds and grass.  I would love a few days of no rain but I guess I will just have to wait a while?

The Pasedenas began to play in my mental jukebox: " I'm doing fine now".  Well if vegetables could sing I'm sure that's what they would say.

You can't beat growing vegetables in compost instead of the cold and saturated earth full of weed seeds.  


  1. Singing vegetables! The best kind.

  2. The onions can even make you cry. I come from a musical family. My mother owned a Singer sewing machine. Thanks JayCee.

  3. I agree. I'm going to plant my lettuces in an old rusty wheelbarrow high above the winter clover which usually strangles them. And the roka is growing in a big old plastic tub. Unlike you and your onions though we need a little more rain here

  4. Hi Linda. I have said it before you don't need to have a garden to grow your own vegetables and plants. It's too wet and cold to do any outside veg work so it's good to see something growing in the polytunnel with the ripped plastic cover. Thanks!

  5. Singer Sewing Machine! Ha! My vegetables have the good grace to lie quietly on my plate.

  6. The old jokes are the best Debby. You can't beat eating your ow home raised meat and vegetables. I'm going to get back into growing lots of veg next year and the freezer is full of pork, chicken and bacon like your doe deer.

  7. If the Japanese onions could sing, they would be singing, "玉ねぎはとても良い野菜です"

  8. Yes YP: "Green Onions" is the tune.


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