Monday 21 November 2022

Knitting Season.

 It's knitting season at our rural abode in the countryside next to the sea.

Wifey is back in full swing knitting cardigans.  She gives them away to any one she knows who have recently gave birth to a baby.  Also to friends and relatives.

My night time  hobby/pastime  is reading and writing blogs and leaving comments..

I also like to be in full charge of the tv remote control.  Some nights we don't even watch television.  We use to always watch it every night.

Any road.  It's going to be a long Winter listening to ,"click click" so I dedicate this song to all knitters.  Enjoy!


  1. Aww.. very cute cardis. And with little labels sewn in too. Your good lady is very talented.
    I am using plastic knitting needles which don't appear to make any clicking sounds. Mind you, I am deaf.

  2. I am married to a knitter too Dave. She has churned out cardigans like nobody's business since our wee granddaughter was born. I may not be able to knit but I am master of our TV remote control that I usually refer to as "the zapper". I don't like other people touching it.
    P.S. Bill Oddie was born in Rochdale and he is now 81 years old.

  3. They're great aren't they JayCee? Even psychedelic. Ideal for babies going to raves or a hippy phase.

    1. I will share my beer but not my tv remote control YP.

  4. Mrs Fave is a great knitter. Does she knit you big thick jerseys too? I've got my needles and wool ready but it's still warm and I spend evenings between blogs and tv. Not much on the latter except football.
    A knit song? Where did you find that

  5. There's quite a few knitting videos on YouTube Linda. At least the footity ball is on terrestrial television. I have one thick jumper knitted by her goodself. I keep forgetting to wear it. This doesn't go down well. I must remember to wear it.

  6. There's even quite a few knitting song 🎵 videos LA.

  7. My wife loves to knit when she finds the time. She has just knitted two beautiful cardigans for my sisters recent baby twins!

  8. The circle of lifelike a ball of wool. We have patchwork quilts that my Irish grandmother sewed by hand. She died over fifty years ago and she's still keeping us warm. Knitted items are so full of caring and warmth. Thanks Kev.

  9. A clever gal, that wife of yours! The sweaters are darling. If she lived close by, I'd be ordering two matching ones for my grand daughters.

  10. Pleased you like them Debby. I will pass on your compliment.

  11. F is knitting again too. I have rather gone off chasing and chewing the knitting yarn - does Tigger Kitty chase balls of wool? xxx Mr T

  12. Hi Tigger. Yes all three of our cats like to tangle the wife's knitting around the legs of the coffee table if they can. It's their attempt at cat knitting.


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