Saturday, 8 April 2023

Weather With You.

 According to Met Eireann.  February was the fourth driest on record and March was the wettest ever.  March 2019 was the second wettest on record.

Yet people still dispute global warming and climate change. They say its Woke.  It's not it is reality!

 I know the Roman's named Ireland the "Land of eternal winters" and it's not called the Emerald Isle for nothing.  But:

Starting tomorrow we are in for seven days or more of rain.  It looks like April showers will bring May flowers or be another wet month on record like March.

I looked at the Algarve nest week and it's Scorchio with temperatures of 25 and 27 degrees.

I wish I was there!  


  1. We had some heavy snow in Sheffield last month so that proves that global warming is a myth. It's a fantasy promoted by the same woke people who say we are running out of fossil fuels and the same woke fools who say that widespread gun ownership facilitates mass killings and the same woke morons who claim that the Amazon rainforest is disappearing. The Woke Brigade Must Not Be Allowed To Take Away Our Freedom! Better Dead Than Woke!

    1. The records say it all YP. Climate change is definitely taking place. Hot summers and very wet winters and Spring.

  2. 25 and 27. Is that Celcius or Fahrenheit? C , it's comfortable weather, F it's rug up or freeze weather.

  3. It is worrying when dry places have already had a dry winter...

    1. Very worrying GZ. In a wet place like Ireland a lot of coastal areas will be under water and dry places will be like desert.

  4. Scorchio! Reminds me of summer. No need to watch the forecast. It's scorchio!! Good one

  5. We could do with your Greek scorchio Linda.

  6. Not long before your sun holiday JayCee.🍾

  7. It's a new one on me that woke is named in global warming disagreements. I thought it was geographers and scientists that disagreed and the belief in the Ice Age and prehistoric climate periods that have always occurred.

  8. I think Greta Thunberg would agree there is climate change taking place Rachel.

  9. There is no denial of climate change, it happens.

  10. It does happen Rachel. It's a tired old planet.


Three Fat German Shepherd Puppies.

 Remember in December 2023 when Heidi our German Shepherdess bitch had ten beautiful 🐶 puppies 🐶? Well we bred her again when she last cam...