Saturday, 18 May 2024

A Bus man's Holiday To See Some Pigs At Balmoral Show.

You know what a bus man's holiday is don't you?  It means going on holiday and doing the same thing that you do at work.  Or on the smallholding to be precise.

Number 1 son and his lady friend set off to Balmoral Show near Belfast on Wednesday at three in the morning.  We heard them leaving.
They bought their tickets online and they were at the showground by nine in the morning.  It's  about four and a half journey from down here in West Cork.

They went to see the pigs in particular.  Regular readers will know that we have pigs on our smallholding.  But apparently these are pedigree pigs.
Posh Saddlebacks?
Stag.  Perhaps he's going to a Stag Party? Sorry I couldn't resist.

More Saddlebacks?
Are they Oxford Sandy pigs?
Posh sheep.  Don't know what breed though? Do you?
George Best mural in Belfast.  That's for all you United fans like yours truly.  He was called Best and he was the best in my humble opinion.  Not forgetting Gary Moore and Eric Bell both Thin Lizzy.  I saw Gary in Milton Keynes At The Garden Party in 1986 and Eric Bell twice in Bantry.  Oh Van " the man" is also in the mural.  Anyone else I haven't recognised? Could that be Alex Higgins in the background?
Different?  CS Lewis clue perhaps?  Yes.  The Lion from The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe.  Or perhaps The Chronicles Of Narnia even?  Cecil Staples Lewis was born in Belfast.  Well I have watched Shadowlands 24 times and last year I found the Inklings meeting place in Oxford: "The Bird and the Baby" or Eagle and Child to me or you!
A cow with horns.  Must be a rare breed me thinks?
Black pigs.  Could they be Berkshire's?
Are they British Alpine? We once had a black and white nanny goat.  Lovely goat temperament but needed to be tethered.  We shared the same fondness for plants. Except our goat had to eat them at every opportunity.  She also thought the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence.  She did rear some fine goats and produced lots of milk.  No kidding.  
More Saddlebacks with a straw bed.
More Deer.
Black cows.  Dexter's perhaps? They called them: " the poor farmer's cow in Ireland.
I decided to have a break from drinking on Sunday.  I haven't  drank alcohol since.  So they brought me back 12 bottles of my favourite Newcastle Brown Ale.  I put it away in the fridge.  It looks very tempting.

They stayed in a hotel that night and took in the sights next day  like The Titanic Experience and a good time was had by all.

Hope you like my blog visit to Balmoral Show?  It's a lot easier than setting off at three in the morning!


  1. Loved it Dave. Great post. Thanks.

  2. I am pleased you liked it Rachel. Thanks.

  3. It was good of them to share the trip with you via their photos... and the Newcastle Brown Ale.

  4. It was JayCee. Plus forty + plus photos of Belfast Zoo and the Titanic Experience. The hotel wouldn't accept Euros in cash but they would by card. Where have I experienced this card thin before? I am trying to stop drinking and now every time I open the fridge there are 12 lovely bottles of Newky Brown looking at me. Have you ever been to Ireland JayCee?

    1. I have! Back in the 1990s we had a long weekend in the Abbey Glen Hotel in Connemara. It was a cheap break in February so the weather was a little moist and cool!

    2. It's like that all the time. Nice day here today.

  5. I love it all. I helped out on a beekeeping stand at Bath and Wells Show some years ago and marvel at what those show animals put up with. I love the Dexters and apparently they are more efficient converters of grass into body weight than bigger beef animals. Perhaps you could have some.

    1. Thanks for that Tigger's Mum. We use to keep cattle. No money in them like most small farming these days plus having to test them for tb and silage over winter.

  6. Posh sheep...longwools..job to tell the size, but could be Romney Marsh or Lincoln. I think Oxford Sandy pigs do have spots..and yes, probably Berkshires for the dark ones. Goats, yes, British Alpine..a milking goat..and the Bagots.
    That was a trip and a half!

  7. Thanks GZ. You know your animals. I wasn't up for the trip. I always like to break up long journeys

  8. Great photos and commentary. I like hearing about your goat. Just like goats all over the world. Except that the ones around here aren't tethered.

    1. Milker was a good goat. But if you let her off her tether it would take a long while to catch her Linda. Great mother and she was a British Alpine.

  9. Lovely photo's, we always went to the Bath and West show, every year. My friends mum owned a goat farm, they sold milk and used bucks for meat. Enjoy you Newcastle brown ale, 12 bottles lucky you.

    1. Thanks Marlene. Great show memories. I am lucky it's hard to find English beer over here these days.

    2. We have family in Dublin and visited often.

    3. Yes there are a lot of people who have Irish family and relations who have moved to both countries.

  10. Lovely to see such healthy animals. The goats are so pretty. In another life I'd keep goats and donkeys.
    We lived near Belfast many moons ago.

  11. We have ponies, pigs, dogs, cats and rabbits and lots of plants and vegetables Jabblog. I have never been to Belfast. Highest I have been is Enniskillen last year. Such a beautiful area.

  12. I trust that your son and his girlfriend had separate rooms in the Belfast hotel. The pigs in the pictures look a lot cleaner than your pigs Dave! I know that the truth can hurt but you need to start bathing them every day. I recommend the use of "Matey" bubbles. Remember them?

  13. Of course they did YP. Hope you had a good holida6cin the Algarve? Our pigs are free range and swear with West Cork accents.

    1. Maybe you should phone the Belfast hotel to check their records. Your son's girlfriend's parents may also wish to make a follow-up enquiry as the young couple are unmarried. As for your own pigs, I bet they are as happy as pigs in muck. Yes - great holiday in the Algarve Dave!

    2. They were back on Friday. Glad you had a great holiday YP.


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