Saturday, 11 May 2024

Patent For An Heath Robinson Type Of Runner Bean Frame.

 I have been inventing again.  

A couple of weeks ago after sowing and getting forty runner beans  germinated plants.  I thought I best make myself a runner bean frame.

Of course I never paid anything for my construction.  Just some sticks that I cut with my trusty loppers and I got some baling twine and a piece of scaffolding tubing, a broken spade handle and a old hoe that the blade had rusted and corroded and fell off and tied it altogether.

Not bad?  Maybe not aesthetically pleasing on the eye.  But it will do just the job to grow the beans up.

I sold some bean plants at a carboot sale last week for 50 Cents a plant.  

This time next year we'll be millionaires.🙂


  1. Tate Modern Art exhibition piece perhaps JayCee? Tightwad smallholding/allotment exhibit. Nicer than that pile of bricks. What's it worth? Maybe not an aesthetic piece but definitely an exhibition in repurposing and totally functional. I am sure the runner beans won't mind it and soon wrap their tendrils round the poles and camouflage my knocked up for nothing bean frame.😊

  2. Even more ibbly wobbly than mine!!

  3. I love ibbly wobbly GZ. Shall we advertise them in the Lady magazine or perhaps Countrylife?😄

  4. I've used the same cane pyramids for about 10 years, by sooner or later they blow down. Have today put in a spare metal Metpost spike and a 2" square wooden post made from old shed wood for support this year. It can be dug up in autumn and put in a different position next year.

  5. Hi Tasker in all my time growing vegetables ( over thirty) I have never grown runner beans. To be honest I am only growing them for their red flowers. I will harvest the beans and if we don't like them the livestock will have a feast. Beans are legumes like peas and actually enhance the ground by releasing nitrogen through their root nodules. Tune into tomorrow for a Yorkshire related post.👍

  6. Have ypu tried growing the Greek Gogantica, they are also runner beans and produce huge seeds to dry, or you can eat the pod and beans younger, when they are tender. They have been very successful here and our climate is similar to yours.

  7. No I haven't Kathy. I am off to Google them. Thanks.

    1. kathy in Wales13 May 2024 at 01:15

      Real seeds in pembrokeshire sells them. Greek Gigantes

    2. Thanks I will look them up Kathy.

  8. You know, I read about a man who saw a couple beach umbrellas set to the curb. He picked them up, brought them home, cut away the sun rotted material, shortened the center pole and turned them into bean trellis. First thing I thought: "I wonder if there are beach umbrellas on the Irish Riviera?"

  9. Just Furze bushes or Gorse and lots of rushes Debby.😀


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...