Sunday, 12 May 2024

Potting On The Osteospermums Rooted Cuttings.


I spent an hour or so potting on my Osteospermums new plants t🪴 that I propagated from cuttings a couple of months of go.

Regular readers will know I have lots of second hand plant pots and I make my potting soil from topsoil and well rotted fym.

In total there are forty new plants ready to go in ours and carbooters customers herbaceous perennials borders.

All it cost me was giving the cuttings a dip in organic rooting powder, tlc and regular water and potting on.

If ever I had to choose my favourite perennial it would be my Cape Daisies or Osteospermums.

Do you have a hobby that you love and pays for a few cans of beer and maybe a takeaway?

Like I often say on here,  gardening need not cost you much money, especially if you're a plantaholic like me.


  1. I hope they earn you a few beers. You deserve it after all that work in the hot Irish sun!

    1. Thanks JayCee. You need an hobby in the Irish Riviera. Back to monsoon season tomorrow and this week. Typical.

  2. You said today would be a Yorkshire-related post. You're like the BBC.

  3. I forgot sorry. I often write a few blog posts together and keep to the order I compose them. Do they have Osteospermums in Yorkshire Tasker? I use to like Peasholm Park in Scarborough when went there on family holidays.

    1. Model ship battles with aeroplanes on wires. Rowing round the island. Rowing boats are too difficult for people now; it's swan pedalos.

  4. Charlie Williams, Little and Large, The Nolans, The Grumbleweeds, Little Voice, Sir Geoffrey Boycott, The Bachelors, The Spinners, North Bay, South Bay, Scarborough castle, Anne Bronte's grave. Bobby Knutt. fish and chips I remember the Japanese styled gardens and the model ship battles and the organ recitals.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...