Thursday, 16 May 2024

Checking The New Potatoes ๐Ÿฅ”.

 There's a wonderful lady in Wales called Kathy who comments on my blog and own 3 or four really long polytunnels.

 She's always giving me and the readers lots of wonderful free veg growing advice.

Yesterday Kathy In Wales said her new potatoes were flowering and she hadn't dug any potatoes yet.  I said in previous years I had noticed that some potatoes ๐Ÿฅ” didn't flower.

This made me think and sure enough curiosity killed the cat ๐Ÿˆ or found the new potatoes.  We decided to have a dig.  Look what we found:

A big bowl full of new potatoes before a shower under the cold water tap and a good scrub.  You can peel the skin of a new potato with your fingernail.

All clean and dandy like the one's you can buy in Marks and Sparks.  

We are in new potatoes Heaven.  Our cup or plate runneth over.


  1. Kathy in Wales16 May 2024 at 01:50

    Thats a good looking crop of potatoes, where's the butter.

  2. Thanks Kathy. Last year we grew them in seaweed. This year it's our well rotted fym. All muck and magic and not a manmade chemical in sight.

    1. kathy in Wales16 May 2024 at 11:33

      Thanks for the suggestion, I think most of ours are 2nd early, charlotte and Nicola and various others, they are usually pretty early b
      Kathyut have put on a lot of leaf, so maybe the crop will be good. We grow them in florists buckets, which gives enough for a couple of good meals for the 3 of us,

    2. Thanks for your comment Kathy. This year we are growing them in a bed in the polytunnel and in growing bags also in the polytunnel. I have also set them in the ground outside and in a plastic raised bed which was half of an heating oil tank.

  3. I've not checked mine yet, no flowers as yet. I am hoping soon we can have our own potatoes and broad beans in a meal. Makes me smile just thinking about it.

  4. I'm sure you've got some good Irish butter for those. The best in the world......... after kiwi anchor butter ๐Ÿ˜…

    1. Someone buys margarine instead of butter because butter goes hard. I don't like white bread either. But?..

  5. They won't be long now Marlene. They usually take twelve weeks to grow. I gave mine a good watering again this morning.

  6. Even the dogs beg for our new potatoes JayCee. Unbelievable!๐Ÿ˜Š


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