Sunday, 5 May 2024

More Carboot Plant Selling And I Bought Two Plants.


Some of my shrubs and perennials and bric-a-brac and tomato plants and we also took books and pictures and two double glazed windows which nobody made one enquiry about.  

We set off about six on Sunday morning.   We loaded up the vehicle the night before.

We got diverted on the Cork road after a serious car accident had happened the night before but the road was still blocked.  

Thankfully we know a lot of alternative lesser roads and snaked our way back to a junction on the Cork road.

Two hours later we got to our carboot venue.  Google maps took us along the Bandon river and into Kinsale and eventually to a townland not that far away from the town.

We paid the man on the gate ten euros for a pitch fee and found a space and we began emptying the vehicle.

Half an hour later we had not sold a thing.  Another car booter told us the last time he did this sale he made 2 Euros.  "Oh dear".

Eventually plant sales began to trickle and we sold some books and tools..

We took turns to walk around and look what was for sale?  One of us came back with two plants:

A Rugosa rose which is the perfect rose in the countryside next to the sea.  We also bought an old garden favourite a Peony.  They are one plant that does not like being moved.  So I won't be propagating that plant. 

We coppered up and counted all the money from our takings.  We took ninety Euros minus our ten Euros pitch fee.

We loaded up the vehicle and it seemed like we had brought back more than we sold. Including the 2 white UPVC windows which I had carried and nobody enquired about.  

But it wasn't too bad a morning and we have had days when we made far less money.  Can you make eighty Euros on a Sunday morning?  I wouldn't  make nothing at home in the countryside next to the sea.

Have you sold at a carboot sale recently?  


  1. Dave ... are you not supposed to be selling rather than buying???

  2. Would you refuse to buy a plant or plants that you want JayCee? Yes on hindsight you're probably right?😊

  3. Our big car boot sale 15 minutes away has got even bigger because a GIANT boot sale down on the Suffolk Essex border has stopped after umpteen years so a lot of boring traders are coming here. It's not very interesting when so many are selling new tat and now starts way too early for my liking. I'm still looking in the hope of treasures!

  4. Some carboots are more like Sunday markets but you do find carbooters Sue. I like chatting and giving my gardening advice.

  5. No carboots here. Thank goodness. K already has enough junk. And he wouldn't think of selling any of it.
    You did well. Buying and selling.

    1. You could soon start a Poros carboot sale Linda. All you need is a carpark or a field and charge booters a tenner and a couple of euros admission for buyers. It's a good way of fundraising. The Countess Of Chester carbootsale raised more than a million pounds.

  6. Years ago when the children were small, we had shelves in our garage and we would put things on them, if they had not been touched in months we would sell them at a car-boot. The last one we went to was 15 years ago, when we downsized and we sold loads of household stuff we didn't need. We had a set of rose coloured glasses, 5 different types, 6 of each type, a young couple stopped and was working out how many they could afford for their first home together, I gave them the whole set, which made their day, she came back with a plant for me.

  7. How kind of you Marlene. What a lovely thing to do.

  8. No I haven't but in my imagination I have sold a car boot after cutting it from the rest of the car - a light blue Fiat 127.

  9. Good idea. I have seen cars and vans a boats for sale at carboot sales.

    1. Given the name of the event, sellers at car boot sales should only be allowed to sell car boots. No plants, no bric-a-brac, just car boots!
      P.S. I am so funny I am like Sheffield's answer to Peter Kay!

  10. Perhaps it should be carboot sales items?

    1. The name should perhaps be changed to "Outdoor Impermanent Market For Multivarious Items" - a far more catchy title than Carboot Sale.

    2. Yes. Far more catchy than "car boot sale"! Besides, some sellers turn up at car boot sales in vans!

    3. A lot of them are Sunday markets YP. I believe it was thirty Euros for a big van at Blarney today. That's a lot of money to make before you make any profit.

  11. A good day overall. The Rosa Rugosa is a good choice..resistant to wind and salt spray...and decent hips in the autumn for culinary use

  12. It was good to chat and take some much needed cash GZ. We will have to wait to see what colour the Rugosa is.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...