Thursday, 25 January 2024

Tenerife Elephants Ears Plant.

 A giant Elephants Ears plant in the middle and back of the picture.

We took this photo 📸 on a recent holiday to Tenerife in the week before Christmas. 

I thought the photo was on the wife's mobile phone but it was mine.  She took it on my phone though.  Any road we found it today after shouting "flipping heck" a few times.

Please click on to the tree/shrub to see it in all of its glory.

The plant seems to have it's roots submerged in the pool full of water.  I would say it's a bomb proof plant for any garden like it's cousins the humble Bergenia which I featured on here yesterday.

Apparently the Taro "Elephants Ears" originate from Asia and the Portuguese and Spanish brought them to the Canaries.  I believe you see these plants in New Zealand 🇳🇿 and Australia 🇦🇺. 

It was good to see them amongst the beautiful flowering Pointsettias 💐 that are usually given to  people at Christmas for house plants gifts.

I found a close up shot of this magnificent plant specimen for your perusal.


  1. What are that couple doing on the bench?
    GERALD I am sure that if we stare hard enough at this tree we can levitate it!
    BETTY You know how to give a girl a good time!

    1. BETTY That plant reminds me of the Triffids. Have you read it?
      GERALD. Read it? I saw them play live. I even bought a T shirt!

    2. GERALD Are that Irish couple still stalking us?
      BETTY They're on the other side of the poinsettias.
      GERALD Do you think they'd be up for a bit of wife swapping?
      BETTY I hope so. He looks a right hunk!

    3. BETTY What do you want for your tea?
      GERALD You ring me and ask this question every day when I'm at work.
      BETTY. They aren't Irish they're saying summat and nowt all the time. Are we going to Lidl and we will make some Sangria back at hotel Bastardo?
      GERALD Hi alright.

    4. GERALD Are Summat and Nowt the names of their solicitors or their budgerigars?
      BETTY Oh Gerald, you are so old-fashioned! Nobody keeps budgies any more.
      GERALD If that's true, why is that Anglo-Irish bloke over there wearing budgie smugglers?

    5. BETTY Are we trying some of that pie hella (paella) for tea Gerald?
      GERALD I suppose so. Do they serve chips with it?

    6. (Betty and Gerald rise from the park bench simultaneously and both fart in harmony. They giggle.)
      GERALD We are like The Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band!
      BETTY Ha-ha-ha-ha!

    7. BETTY More tea vicar? You've ate all the ruddy cake!

    8. THE END
      "BETTY AND GERALD" (The Movie) by Northsider and Pudding is now available on Netflix. Starring Reese Witherspoon as Betty and Jacob Rees-Mogg as Gerald. With incidental music by Kansas.

    9. We may be a CDM for our writing about Brits on holiday. CDM stands for Cadburys Dairy Milk.

  2. The poinsettias are magnificent. What colour. They are very popular here, called Alexandrinos in Greek. Mine never last long but I have seen them growing outside

  3. I have never seen poinsettias used for formal bedding plants Linda. Normally we buy potted poinsettias that are often not been watered in the supermarkets then a combination of central heating and forgetting to water them they don't live very long. We saw these bedding displays in lots of places.

  4. Wow! I have never seen one grown that big. I think what is called Elephant's Ears here is a smaller, softer version that people grow in pots.

    1. "It's a beauty" River. A mighty fine specimen of a plant.


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