Saturday, 16 March 2024

A Great Gift For A Soil Slave.

 Number one son and his girlfriend went to the biggest carboot sale in Ireland in Kilkenny last weekend. 

They returned  and presented me with this wheelbarrow.  They paid 15 Euros for the beauty.  I got out the Brasso metal polish and gave it a good polish and it's taken pride of place with our eclectic and myriad of collectibles. It about a foot long from wheel to handles or shafts .  I have seen similar ones for sale for fifty Euros and more.

The wheelbarrow was invented by the ancient Chinese who also invented gunpowder and paper and fireworks to name just a few things.  It never ceases to amaze me how so much weight can be carried  by one wheel.

There are wheelbarrows mentioned in  England in the 13th century. Apparently it is derived from the word barrow  Mine is a beauty.  


  1. My mum loved brass ornaments, I hated them as it was my job to clean them, Marlene

  2. Thanks Marlene. I think I got my collecting from my dad. I can never resist a bargain. Carboot sales especially.

  3. A real treasure! Perfect present for an Irish Green Thumb. Number One Son did well.

  4. It is a treasure Linda and the tyre will never go flat like my real wheelbarrows.

  5. With that miniature wheelbarrow you will be able to transfer your "Coco Pops" from the cupboard to your bowl. How very thoughtful of Number One son (Julian) now Number Two son (Humphrey) will have to find you a nice gift - maybe a miniature polytunnel.

  6. You could put chips in the brass wheelbarrow couldn't you? Some sunshine would be a nice present YP.

  7. They get free board and lodgings JayCee. They do in all seriousness. Hope you're enjoying yourselves?


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