Tuesday, 12 March 2024

"I Believe".

 This was the sight when I went to feed and water the livestock on Sunday morning:

The Oxford sow had given birth to seven beautiful piglets.

I remember seeing The Bachelors with my mum and dad at the Floral Hall in Scarborough in the nineteen seventies.   My mum and dad were not singing with them I might add.πŸ™‚
We sat on seats in the theatre and watched The Bachelors sing.  
One of their songs began playing on my mental jukebox when I saw the piglets:

They really could sing.


  1. You have your hands full now, when I was a child my uncle brought home a piglet for us to hand feed, it was going to a small holding and they wanted it used to humans, we loved her.

  2. Pigs are great characters Marlene. Already they are walking around and full of mischief and devilment.

  3. We should form a Bachelors tribute band. I'll be Con Cluskey, you can be be Dec Cluskey and Lord Peregrine can be John Stokes. They were the Take That of the nineteen sixties.

  4. Weren't they good YP? Con Cluskey lived in Elland, Yorkshire. Sadly he is no longer with us. Thanks.

  5. Bachelors Irish Peas would be a good name for our tribute band. We would big in Ireland and Iceland. Maybe even Lidl.

  6. As soon as I saw the title it started up in my head. Harmonies spot on. Neat how the get to the microphone just in time. I knew CC lived in Elland. He was always available to give talks locally. He came to Denby Dale but I couldn't go that day.

  7. The harmonies are sensational Tasker. Up there with the likes of Gene Pitney. It is neat how they get to the microphone just in time. I am glad my parents took me to see The Bachelors. I have very eclectic music taste: folk, punk, Heavy Rock, Prog to Lady Ga Ga and Clannad..

  8. Came back. Gene Pitney harmonies. Yes.

  9. ThanksTasker. They really had talent didn't they?

  10. I see only six piglets, where is the seventh? I vaguely remember The Bachelors.

  11. It says it is photo shy River and doesn't wish to vogue like the Madonna song. Yes The Bachelors were great and could really sing.

  12. Aw! So much new life at the small holding! Plants and animals both! It must be spring! (Debby)

  13. Yes Spring is very close Debby. New livestock babies and vegetables seeds are sprouting.


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

I wonder where: "Knowing one's onions" came from? I recently planted my onions sets in compost filled plastic modules before I...