Monday, 4 March 2024

Bim And Purple Rain.

 More seed potatoes 🥔  for the veg plot and polytunnel yesterday.  

One variety is called Bim and the other is called Purple Rain.  Anyone heard of them?

They are supposed to be blight resistant and full of Anthocyanin.  I thought that was the name of a Prog Rock band?

Anthocyanins are said to be very good for you and are present in blue berries and red cabbage.

Purple Rain potatoes have purple flesh.

I wonder if Prince was singing about his allotment potatoes when he penned this 🎵 song?

Up to nowI have planted Homeguard seed potatoes in the polytunnel and we have British Queens, Bim and Purple Rain chitting in the Chitting  Room.  Have you planted any potatoes or started chitting them yet?


  1. Poor old Prince. He was just 57 when he died in 2016. If he had stuck to growing vegetables instead of dabbling in drugs, he would still be alive today.

    1. A brilliant and original performer YP. I wish I had seen him.

    2. You could have talked through some ideas for his polytunnel and where to pick up some fym in his bulletproof limousine.

    3. It would have been good being a roadie and touring round and talking about allotments and polytunnels. You don't see many council allotments in Hollywood. Allotments In Hollywood would be a good name for our Rock band YP.

    4. Yeah, I like it. Allotments in Hollywood. The title of our first album could be "Slugs, Snails and Aphids".

    5. "Slugs, Snails and Aphids Back To The Earth tour". Hollywood's got Beyonce we have JayCee.

    6. She's made so much money from us she's about to fly away to paradise on holiday.

    7. JC = Judith Chalmers. More holidays than the Royal family. Oh to be a tax exile.

  2. I hope you get a good crop this season - with no blight.

  3. Thanks JayCee. I only grow earlies and I don't spray the potatoes with chemicals. Everything is grown naturally. It's an awful wet and windy day today. I planted some more Homeguard seed potatoes in the polytunnel and I sowed Globe Artichoke and Celery seeds in plastic modules in the tunnel.

  4. Good luck with all those potatoes. Plenty of variety

  5. Thanks Linda. I have never tried purple potatoes. They should look good with the beetroots.

  6. Only purple spuds I have ever tried cooking went an unappetizing shade of grey. You might need special colour filter glasses to wear when you eat them. Speaking of Allotments in Hollywood - have you ever heard of Ron Finley Gangsta Gardener?

    1. Different aren't they Tigger's Mum? I have just been reading about the Gangsta Gardener. Great idea to grow veg in urban places. You don't have to own a garden to grow your own. You can rent an allotment or even grow stuff in containers or on the roof of an apartment.

  7. We had a 70 degree day today. Spring is coming. I will have my chance.

    1. It was very wet and windy here yesterday Debby. I managed to plant some Home potatoes in the polytunnel and sowed some Globe Artichoke seeds. Spring will soon be here for you. I promise.

  8. There are different types of potatoes in all countries. I have never heard of Bim or Purple Rain. I hope they grow well for you and taste delicious.

  9. I had never heard of them until Sunday River. I love trying to grow new types of vegetables and different sorts of potatoes.


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