Friday, 29 March 2024

Daffodils In A Old Tractor Tyre In The Polytunnel.

 Repurposing my Ford 3000 tyre for a planter in the polytunnel.

I told you I wouldn't post a veggie post today.  

Do you think the Tate Modern will commission my floral repurposed art work?  A few waggon loads of Newcastle Brown or a few tickets to see Kansas  or Saga or Styx in the states or Canada will do?

Have a great Easter everybody.  

Here's a great rock song 🎵 by the one and only late Gary Moore.  I was lucky enough to see him play once back in 1986.

I will show you my plastic allotment raised bed project progress in my next post on here.


  1. I never tire of seeing tyres used as plant containers. Once I saw some in Tyre, Lebanon which is mentioned several times in "The Bible".

  2. Tyre and Sidon. Yes they are now in the Lebanon YP. We call them"Tyres" and they call them "Tires". Do you remember Channel Four's " Muck and Magic" when TV gardener Bob Flowerdew (real name!) grew his potatoes in soil filled tyres and stacked and filled them with soil whilst they grew? There is an argument that old tyres contain Cadmium in the steel but so far it's never knowingly made me ill. No I never get tyred (tired) of repurposing tyres and the like.😊

    1. Bob Flowerdew is a great name for a gardener. I sometimes wonder what your surname is because I know it is not Northsider. Let me see now... Dave Seileach, Dave Dibber, Dave Aikenbach. Am I getting close? And have you got pigtails like Bob Flowerdew?

    2. Dave Dibber would be a great name for a gardening author YP. D D is very close. Perhaps I will write a post about my two books on Amazon? One in book form and one electronically published.

    3. Substances being leached from the tyres could be a worry.
      Youngest son has used tyres...and drilled holes in the tyre wall at the bottom so that water didn't sit in the tyre

    4. We have grown lots of vegetables in tyres GZ and never had any I'll effects from them. Thanks.

    5. No ill effects apart from hair on the soles of your feet, memory loss and addiction to Newcastle Brown Ale.

    6. I know where your hair goes when you are getting old. It grows out of your nose and ears. My toes are quite hairy too. I wish someone would send a Newcastle Brown Ale sea tanker to West Cork. I'm tired of drinking Carlsberg.

  3. I think that tyre would look lovely painted a delicate shade of pink.

  4. Pink? Hmm...🤔 What about some paintings of pretty flowers JayCee? One needs to release their inner Hippy doesn't one? We could even paint flower designs on our vehicles?

    1. There is a pretty cottage over on the west coast here that has used a series of tractor tyres in the garden as flower planters and has painted them in bright shades of blue and yellow. They look really colourful.

  5. They sound great JayCee. Any chance of some photos and a blog post about the flower planters?

  6. I used to have a couple of tyre pots in the garden. Things grew better in them than in the ground. They were hauled out and cleaned up a few years ago to be used as boat bolsters.??? Those things that hang around the outside as protection. Can't remember the name

  7. I would imagine things would grow better in a raised tyre Linda. I remember years ago people used to cut a car tyre and fold it in half and it would make a pedestal goblet shaped plant pot and people would paint them up and fill them with compost and plant them up. I often plastic mussel barrels attached to ropes used to stop boats bumping into other boats and piers.

  8. I remember my older son being a big fan of Gary Moore. I also remember car tyre swans and car tyre pots all painted white and sitting in people front yards.

  9. I liked Gary Moore when he was in Thin Lizzy River. Black Rose is a classic.


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

I wonder where: "Knowing one's onions" came from? I recently planted my onions sets in compost filled plastic modules before I...