Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Piglets Progress.

 I thought I would show the latest picture of some of the piglets since you saw them last:

That's five of the Berkshires and one Gloucester Old Spot away from their mums.

The piglets are growing like mad and they are eating pig ration and they often eat some of their straw bed.

It won't be long before they are being sold and going to new homes.

Anyone else keep pigs for fattening and to sell? Or perhaps you are thinking of getting some?


  1. Those are no longer just little piglets. No wonder they're eating themselves out of your home and theirs

  2. They grow incredibly fast with the pig food ration Linda. Three of the ones in the photograph went to a new smallholding next to the sea on Sunday. I think they will be happy.

  3. Wasn't that the title also used by John Bunyan?

  4. Pilgrims Progress Tasker😊. Was that a book about Plymouth Argyles progress in the 1678 season?

  5. Tasker has stolen my thunder! I was going to make a similar remark. Instead, I will just say that we do not keep pigs to fatten or to sell... we keep them for the Man Utd youth team.

  6. Quite. Tasker is very quick. At least you don't support the United near you YP.

  7. Can I have the spotty one please?

  8. I am sorry madam it is sold. The Gloucester Old Spot is a nice and docile breed.

  9. I love them all. At least you said they are going to new homes and not being turned into charcuterie. (Other pigs I have never seen can become bacon rolls and pressed ham.)

    1. Most of them end up going to the butcher Tigger's Mum. They are characters and develop physically so much quicker than us humans.

  10. They're almost Porkers already! Kind of a shame to think they may one day be hams and bacon and chops.

  11. Hi River. Yes they can be finished in less than six months. They provide wonderful fym for the veg plot.


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