Sunday, 24 March 2024

Another Trees Post.

 Second trees post of today. 

 I must be doing something right because I have had over 3000 views again today.  One day I will do a Yorkshire Pudding or Debby and get lots and lots of comments.

The old mental jukebox began playing more tree themed songs in my head and here's one of my favourite bands from Canada 🇨🇦  I have seen live twice.  Yes Rush of course. 

There may be no footity ball on telly today but at least we can watch some Prog Rock.

Another vegetable/foody post tomorrow folks.  Thanks again!


  1. Ah, sorry I haven't been commenting much Dave.
    Back home now from my jollies so back to normal.

  2. Glad you got back safely JayCee. I trust everything was fine back at home? It's been horribly wet here today. Thanks.

  3. And another comment from me. More good music!

  4. Replies
    1. From acorns to oak trees. You plant a tree for your great grandchildren to enjoy.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Not Yes the band but yes to your question YP.😀

    2. Keep on commenting YP. I thought that Brazil goal last night was definitely offside. I think a bra would be better than VAR.

  6. Rush were brilliant Linda. 2112 was their Magnum Opus for me . A trio of Prog musicians like Emerson Lake and Palmer ( seen them) who have never been surpassed. Thanks.

  7. *squinting* does that omelet have cheese? Young onions can't be beat for savory onion flavor.

    1. Is that Debby? No cheese. Just our hens eggs and young Japanese onions.

    2. It is me. Blogger is a right pain in my nether regions. Some places don't seem to recognize me. Others do. Sometime I forget that.

  8. It's frustrating when Blogger isn't functioning for you. When I lost my blog list for example.


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

I wonder where: "Knowing one's onions" came from? I recently planted my onions sets in compost filled plastic modules before I...