Sunday, 3 March 2024

Roughing It Tips When You Go Camping.

 I will be all being well going to Blighty again this summer to visit some literary places and of course take in a rock festival, Prog preferably.

We try to keep our accommodation costs down by taking tents and staying on camp sites and a couple of nights in a Travelodge.  

 Last year my towel was saturated and I did not fancy carrying it around for days so I threw it in a litter bin and bought a dry one for one pound from a charity shop.

Then I had my light bulb moment when I got back to my tent.  I cut the towel in half with a pair of scissors.  I now had two towels and I could discard one when it got wet.

It's a good way not to take home wet washing with you.

This tip may be useful for JayCee and P?



  1. But didn't that mean you could only dry half of your body?

  2. I only take a small towel with me. Bath towels are far too big for my rucksack. It's got to carry important things like Newcastle Brown Ale and whisky for a night cap. Then at four in the morning it's time for the birds to put on a twenty minute Prog Rock dawn chorus. It's like being homeless or a refugee for a week. The joys of camping. Are you staying on a campsite when you go on holiday JayCee?

  3. It's Torremolinos isn't it? Carry On Abroad with JayCee and P.

  4. My tip is to stay in Airbnbs and use their towels!

  5. Thanks Linda. We find campsites are the cheapest options. Some even have toilets and showers. I find very few with somewhere to charge my mobile phone. I normally have to plug it in a pub when I am eating my breakfast. Travelodge feels like the Hilton Hotel after a few nights sleeping in a tent.

  6. I never take a towel. I often end up abroad without things and end up improvising. That includes drying myself.

  7. The less you take is a big achievement Rachel. I often discard old socks or t shirts on a camping trip. Plus I am sure to buy a t shirt at a music festival. Plus there are plenty of clothes and charity shops if you need something. My wife showed me in Tenerife how to wash my clothes in a shower. You just throw them on the floor and shampoo and the hot water will do the rest. Then you hope it won't rain and your clothes will dry outside on the bushes. The joys of camping. Thanks Rachel.

  8. Ha we know that laundry in the shower trick. Lived for years on marinas where that was the only laundry facility. I use a tea towel to dry myself and then hang it on the outside of the back pack. Make sure you get one with suitable 'souvenir' design on it - a flag design perhaps.

    1. Never thought of taking a tea towel Tigger's Mum. It would be very light to carry and quick to dry. Thanks.

  9. Lady and Lord Peregrine Manx will not be staying in a tent on the island they are about to visit. They will be staying in a ***** hotel.

    From my camping days I have a good tip. Lay newspapers under your groundsheet in the area where you will lie. This creates insulation, helping you to get a better night's sleep.

    1. Perhaps they will stay in a static caravan YP? I haven't bought a newspaper for over twenty years. Good tip. Thanks.

    2. Stolen newspapers work just as well.

    3. Not if it's a pile of free newspapers thrown in the canal.

    4. Good God! Is that what you did when you were a paper boy? Disgraceful!

    5. Just an observation when going for a saunter.

  10. Why not just dry out the first towel? Seems an awful waste to throw it away just because it got wet. Hang it from your shoulders like a Superman cape and walk around with it until it dries. Or just hang it off your tent.

  11. Wet towels are a pain especially if it's raining and they become very heavy River. My one pound charity shop towel was a good investment.

  12. Walking in beauty4 March 2024 at 01:40

    Dry yourself off with a flsnnel or face cloth first , then the towel. a small towel is then enough and hardly gets wet .
    Kathy in Wales

  13. Thanks Kathy in Wales. There's some very resourceful people on here.

  14. If you want to dry washing quickly, wring it out as much as possible then put it flat on a bath towel, roll it and then walk on it...

  15. Brilliant GZ. Thanks for the tip.

  16. Oh, my comment was eaten. My suggestion was to follow the lead of your puppies. After a bath, they simply roll around in the grass and shake themselves dry. No need for a towel at all! And now it is too late to pass that helpful tip on to Jaycee!

  17. It would make my rucksack lighter Debby.


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