Friday, 15 March 2024

Wet, Wet, Wet Outside And Green Shoots Inside.

Half a wheelbarrow full of rain water.  It's been horrendously wet here this week.  You would not put a milk bottle outside in that weather.  If it was not for my polytunnel  I would be very fed up with the weather.  I have not even been for a long walk because it is always raining. 

Thankfully things are different  in the polytunnel:
The first potato shoots emerging from the ground.

Peas sprouting.

Onions🌰and Globe Artichokes.  I have never grown them (artichokes) before.  Have you? Apparently they are perennials and members of the thistle family.  I think I have planted far too many. Anyone want so globe artichokes plants for free?

It's traditional to plant potatoes around St Patrick's Day but things are very  very wet at present.   At least there are some growing in the polytunnel.


  1. I still have my second bag ready for potatoes, but they can wait another week, the potatoes are chitting. We are not as wet as you, having said that it's raining here today, having a day out for a change, might get a coffee and cake. Marlene

  2. The globe artichokes are very pretty plants - but VERY big too

  3. It's fine today Marlene. I have just been planting British Queens in growing bags in the polytunnel. Thanks!

  4. I believe so Tigger's Mum. I am getting some Jerusalem Artichokes tubers tomorrow to screen a gable of the polytunnel. Thanks.

  5. Around 500 Irish people commit suicide every year. If they all had their own polytunnels, that number would plunge like a Russian submarine.

  6. Very true YP. Some public transport and a few Prog bands festivals would also help. I say let's get Kansas and Saga to play West Cork.

  7. They do at Roger Waters concerts.

  8. Instead of visiting the lavatory, I bet Roger Waters his polytunnel.

  9. Thank goodness this was not another music post. From the title, I felt it in my fingers that it was.

  10. I think he would go behind The 🧱 Wall.

    1. "All in all, it's just another piss on the wall"

    2. Very funny YP. I bet even Roger smiles at that one?

  11. Yes Tasker you are thifnking of a certain pop band from Glasgow aren't you? More of my dad's favourite tunes soon.

  12. Good progress.. everything is so wet ... greenhouse clearing this afternoon here

  13. It's been abysmal GZ. Farmers are short of fodder and their tanks are full of slurry and it's too wet in places to put their cattle our or lime and spread slurry. It is warm in the polytunnel today and my beetroot seeds have sprouted. Good luck with the greenhouse clearing.

    1. Rubbish out, contents mainly sorted, finish the job tomorrow 🙂

    2. Always lots of rubbish Gz

  14. Artichokes come up by themselves here. It's almost the end of their season. I like eating them but they're a nuisance to prepare

  15. Hi Linda. I have grown Jerusalem artichoke s but not globe artichokes. I believe the globe artichokes are perennials and you can divide them. I am also planting Jerusalem artichokes to make a windbreak for the gable of the polytunnel.

  16. You are drowning in the rain and we have had none for over 40 days. I don't even like artichokes so I would never grow them.

  17. It did not rain here yesterday River. I want the artichokes for a windbreak and our livestock will eat them if we don't.


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

I wonder where: "Knowing one's onions" came from? I recently planted my onions sets in compost filled plastic modules before I...