Thursday, 14 March 2024

"I'll Never Find Another You".

 Sang the ram to the ewe.๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽค

My dad would have been eighty nine this week. 

The Bachelors song "I Believe" the other day  really jogged my mental jukebox.   I will post a few bands in blog posts of some music that my dad and my mum use to listen to.  

He did not have a lot of records but now and again we would go to our local Woolworths store and come home with an LP of his choice.

Then he would place it on his radio gram and we would often sing along.  Perhaps you will post the songs your parents played when you were young?  It will be interesting to hear them on your blogs.

Here's one of my dad's old favourites:

What a voice.


  1. My dad did not play music, he loved TV, when there were programmes on which we wanted to watch. My mum loved Frankie Vaughan, she often played Give me the moonlight, happy memories.

    1. You are right Marlene. They are happy memories.

  2. You're right - Judith Durham did have a fine singing voice. This is a great song which I hadn't heard in a long time. Sadly, Judith died in 2022 at the age of 79 - now the carnival really is over.

    1. What a powerful voice YP. I have seen so so many female singers voices get drowned by the music. Not Judith though. I would love to have seen them. The sixties looked like a great time.

  3. One of my favourites too and I still remember all the words to sing along, though I'm glad no one can hear me. I have several of The Seekers songs on my playlists.

    1. I still sing along to The Seekers River. They really could sing and play their instruments couldn't they?

  4. My dad preferred to watch TV, in the days when there was always something good to watch, my mum loved Frankie Vaughan, I often heard, Give me the moonlight, lovely memories.

  5. I agree television was very good back then. We have quantity but not quality today.

  6. What do you me - your "parents" liked?
    The problem at the time was that you would be laughed at for liking acts like the Bachelors and the Seekers. It had to be the Faces or the Stones. A pity because the Seekers were another band of brilliant harmonisers, and Judith Durham's voice was incredible.

  7. Incredible is the word to describe Judith's voice Tasker. Have you listened to Hackney Diamonds by the Stones? It's brilliant.

  8. I really like the Seekers. The sound of .my youth. My parents mainly listened to classical music and opera.

  9. The sound of my youth. What a great expression Linda. I don't mind a bit of classical myself. Especially brass bands. I think Prog is cerebral Rock music with lots of classical influences. I once went to see Berlin Symphony Orchestra and it was very memorable and they did all the popular tunes. Kansas and Jethro Tull, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Steve Hackett, Focus and Rick Wakeman (seen them all) and Blue Oyster Cult and Rush all have classical influences in their music.

  10. Release your inner Judith Durham:
    Or your inner Con Cluskey:

  11. That's brilliant. Thanks Tasker.๐Ÿ‘ He's a right one that Gary Oakey. He dumps his speaker and microphone in the corner and charges you fifty quid.

  12. My mum & dad were only 18 when they had me in 1964 & were big Beatles fans. They went to see them at some point in the 60's & Ringo fell off his drum stool.

  13. That must of been funny and memorable Mrs LH? I was born a year before in 1963.

  14. I was at school in the sixth form with an Australian boy who had seen Judith Durham as, at the time, just another night club singer. She really only came into her own with the Seekers moving to the UK. Of their tracks, The Carnival Is Over is one of my favourites.

  15. Thank you for that Will. I saw U2 at Greenbelt Christian Music Festival in 1981 in Odell in Bedfordshire before they were famous. They didn't impress me. It just shows what I know. The Carnival Is Over is a classic.


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