Friday, 8 March 2024

Tightwad Plant Dividing.

Last Summer I was presented with 50 Euros of plant bulbs and tubers like Dahlias and Red Hot Pokers and Kaffir Lilies.  They were selling them off at the end of a flower show so number one son and his girlfriend brought home many carrier bags of flower bulbs and tubers.

We spent at least a day planting them in soil filled plant pots.  Regular readers know I have enough plastic plant pots to last me many years.

Any way yesterday I noticed the pots are sprouting and I remembered the gardeners mathematical equation: " The only way to multiply is to divide"🤔?

Any road or anyway.  I started dividing the plants:

Here's some I made earlier or prised apart even.  I think they are Kaffir Lilies? Wifey zoomed in on her Picture This  on her mobile phone App.  It costs 20 Euros a year to subscribe.  Usually it's brilliant but this time it said wild garlic which it is not.  Answers on a postcard or a comment please below if you have any idea what it is?

I think I have got the green fingers habit?  I am a plantaholic and here's my many new 🪴 plants.  

So much for me half emptying the polytunnel of plants the other day.  I really need to sell some plants.  

2000 views  plus yesterday.  Thanks for reading.


  1. The Red hot Pokers and Kaffir Lilies would do very well in my area of the globe. Probably some of the Dahlias too. You'll have to have a car boot sale with all those pots.

  2. Thanks River. I think they will have to grow on in the polytunnel until the last frosts . It will be interesting to see what colour the flowers are. Perhaps I should have a plant sale at home? We have lots of plants. Thanks.

    1. Red Hot Poker flowers will be red or a red/orange/yellow mix. Not the dahlias, I don't know what colours they will be.

    2. Kaffir Lilies are called Clivia here and flowers are mostly orange, some are yellow and rarely seen are red.

    3. Red Hot Pokers are worth growing River. An old traditional perennial favourite.

    4. Yes I have had red and pink Kaffir Lilies. I divided some more yesterday.

  3. That sounds the best gift ever, I don't split many plants, too afraid of killing them, I do live a reduced plant, the joy of bringing it back, often the reduced plants are just end of season and many will naturally return.

  4. Yes it was a great gift Marlene. It's worth waiting around at the end of horticultural shows to see what the sellers are selling off. If you lift the parent plant and prise apart and plants or split them with the old bread knife . I have made thousands of new plants down the years.

  5. 2000 views! Good heavens - you will soon be as popular as Alan Tichmarsh - now aged 74. I believe that that mysterious plant is something beginning with "g" - oh I've got it - grass!

  6. My views have been amazing this last week YP. If I grew some of that marrow banana grass I might make some dosh. I putting my perennials up ten bob to 2.50 this year. Special discounts to bloggers of course.

    1. With free delivery from that nice man at Ryanair - Michael O'Bleary. I will have a kilo* of your best marrowbanana please.

      * a kilo is 2lbs and 3.273 ounces.

    2. Do Yorkshire Airlines not fly Sheffield to Cork anymore?

    3. Besides - with their "levelling up" programme, The Tories allowed Doncaster-Sheffield Airport to close.

    4. Oh. I once went on a package holiday. It was really difficult climbing out of the crates.

      Same closure with Manston Airport in Kent. I would loved to have owned and flown a Spitfire to Cork and back.

  7. You have indeed got green fingers. Wifey must be glad you've got a hobby to keep you busy

  8. I would go mad living in the countryside next to the sea if I didn't have my plants and livestock and polytunnel Linda. It's good to get away from the Hoover. 😊


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