Thursday, 30 May 2024

Some Prog On A Thursday. Victorian Brickwork.

 In August I will be heading to England on of my "roughing it" trips.  It will consist of two Rock festivals and a tour of Thomas Hardy's literary Wessex.  Hopefully I will explore old churches and see walled kitchen gardens, allotments and chocolate box thatch cottages again.

One band who I am particularly interested in seeing is English Prog band Big Big Train.

I like how they use classical instruments rather like King Crimson and the Unthanks who I saw live in Killarney several years ago.

To give you a taste of Big Big Train.  Here's Victorian Brickwork for your perusal.  Enjoy and perhaps you will go and see them on their tour this summer?

It's only a minute long but it gives you a glimpse of a great English Prog band.  


  1. You could do a quick stopover here on your way home. We have a leaky garden shed if you enjoy roughing it.

  2. A leaky garden shed? " Luxury". This is turning into the four Yorkshiremen Sketch JayCee. If you want a garden makeover I will bring my trusty Azada and some of my homegrown perennials in my rucksack.

  3. Does this mean you are going to Cropredy Dave? As your allocated carer, I strongly advise that you have comfortable and sturdy footwear this year. Don't forget the agony you suffered last year because of your feet.

  4. Yes Cropredy again like when we went in 2022 YP. It's a very good line up with Tony Christie and my old Prog hero Rick Wakeman. I saw him with Yes at Loreley in Germany in 2017. He's also a City fan and a very talented keyboard wizard. Up there with Keith Emerson from ELP. I just hope it's not too hot like the last time we went. It was in the thirties. Unbearable and my Newky Brown Ale soon got hot.


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...