Monday, 29 May 2023

An Old BJH Song Relevant For Our Times.

 I was listening to Steve Hackett on Spotify when I was working in the polytunnel the other day and a Barclay James Harvest song started to play.  It's called For No One.

For me they are one of the best bands to come from Lancashire and wish I had seen them especially in their prime.

Anyway I think this song wrote almost 50 years ago is still relevant with the current wars around the world.  

Any Barclay James Harvest fans?  


  1. Barclay James Harvest sounds familiar . I certainly like the music. You always give us some greats

  2. Well worth an evening watching BJH YouTube videos Linda. Glad you like the music.

  3. I don't think I have heard of him until now. Thanks Dave for the introduction.

  4. They are a Prog Rock band from Oldham Jaycee. Not a lot of miles from where I was born in Lancashire before it became GreaterManchester sadly. I once knew a lass who's father was related to one of them. Wish I had seen them play live. Berlin A Concert For The People is amazing video/album when the wall came down.

  5. I've never heard of them. I did listen to about a minute of it before I'd had enough.

  6. Just as good as I remember - saw them at Leeds City Hall around this time. Drummer was quite a showman - arms all over the place. I was very near the front - have me hearing difficulties for a couple of days.

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  8. I remember them well and their first album and liking them. I don't know why but there is something at the back of my mind that makes me remember them and then something like fading away into obscurity. I just looked them up and see they were bigger in Germany than in the UK.

  9. Germany really appreciates Rock music Rachel. Mocking Bird was a great early track for them. Thanks.

  10. I had never heard of them before. I wandered off to read about them and do a bit of listening. It always strikes me when I listen to the old music, that these bands were so radical in their day. Our parents thought we were on the path to ruin because we listened to them. Now...the same music plays in grocery stores and given the state of today's world, doesn't it sound innocent?

  11. "Life Is For Living" is a song of theirs that you would like Debby. Their songs had Christian and Environmental themes. They do sound innocent and yet caring.

  12. Early morning, it’s cold and the sun is white, for I was born in the darkness before the light….


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