Saturday 27 May 2023

Milk Churns With African Daisies In Plant Pots.

Two posts in a day"

I banged two plant pots of Osteospermums or Cape Daisies in and on top of the old rusty milk churns to see what they looked like.

Incidentally I'm not a City fan going off  the blue painted walls.  Well actually I was until I was 14.  My old queen or mother bought my brother a United football kit and me a City kit one Christmas.  

Until I saw the error of my ways and started being an armchair Match Of The Day Manchester United fan.  

I was glad City won the title though.  Or maybe Aston Villa or Nottingham Forest my other favourite football teams.

I digress.  Do you think the flowers are the candy of the natural world?

I'm up at least by 7 every morning watering all the plants and vegetables in the polytunnel and gardens at the moment and at night about 9 0clock when the Sun's gone to bed. 

They are even making hay in West Cork at the moment.  Who's ever known hay to be made in May?  Time will tell I suppose?



  1. Not sure. Mother Nature would make a silk purse out of a Sowsear JayCee.

  2. The daisies are gorgeous..
    What with garden and the menagerie you must be busy most of the day.
    Still not summer weather here. I'm quite content with spring

  3. Thanks Linda. It's turned into a wonderful Spring here.

  4. The flowers and rusty urns look great against those blue walls.

  5. Thanks River. They soften the building don't they?

  6. I hope that those milk churns are weighed down with rocks or gravel. You don't want them blowing over . They look lovely there. Great idea.

  7. Thanks YP. It will take some gust to move them. I am pleased you like them.

  8. What a welcoming entrance. Next thing you know, you'll have tourists stopping by to buy plants and check out the Algarve. Better stock up on the beers.

  9. Thanks Debby. I'm sure we can find them some cold beers if they buy some plants.


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