Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Our First New Potatoes Of The Year On The Irish Riviera.

 The Homeguard new potatoes began flowering at the weekend in the polytunnel.  

I have been putting the hosepipe and sprinkler on them to give them plenty of water.

Yesterday Tuesday we decided to have a look.  My late dad would have suggested that I leave them grow a while and they will soon be a lot bigger.

But the secret of growing vegetables in my opinion means that small is beautiful. 

Not forgetting freshly picked and chemically free and home cooked..

We had bacon, "our" cabbage and "our" new potatoes  ("they were delicious") with "our" apple mint and spearmint 🥔 for tea last night.  May the 14th and the hunger gap is no more:


"All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above.."

Homegrown new potatoes grown without chemicals.  Just muck and magic and a bit of watering and tlc.

Are you eating your new potatoes yet?


  1. kathy in Wales15 May 2024 at 01:28

    My potatoes are not flowering yet, but seem to have a decent crop under them,
    I planted sweet potatoe slips yesterday, Do you grow them ? I have one lot purplle and one lot orange type planted. You can eat the leaves also,so I shall try them soon. I expect you know that runner bean leaves are also for eating. Asparagus is doing ok also.

  2. Hi Kathy. In previous years growing I have noticed some potatoes don't flower. It might be worth you pulling back some of the soil and looking for new potatoes treasure?

    I tried getting slips off a shop bought sweet potato. It must have been sprayed to stop it shooting out. We are running out of planting space already. There will be a lot of room when we lift all the new potatoes.

    I didn't know you can eat runner bean leaves. Thanks.

    1. kathy in Wales16 May 2024 at 01:48

      If you wash and soak the sweet potatoes, sometimes you can get rid of thr growth inhibitor, with which they are treated (doesnt always work though)

    2. Yes I tried washing the growth inhibitors off the sweet potatoes Kathy, but it does not seemed to have worked. It makes you wonder what else is sprayed on shop bought fruit and vegetables?

  3. Mine are not flowering yet, but I have everything crossed soon we will be eating home grown.

    1. Yes not long Marlene. I have put the hosepipe and sprinkler back on them today. I noticed a new potato flower this morning.

  4. Sounds very tasty. I am disappointed that P decided not to grow spuds this year.

  5. Yes they were delicious JayCee. It's still not too late to plant them in potato growing bags. I have grown Christmas new potatoes that I planted in September in the polytunnel.

  6. These are very early spuds! Ours are just starting to flower but then we had a cold April. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Sabine. They are from the gale damaged part of the polytunnel. It's amazing what a few millimetres of plastic makes to getting an early crop.

  7. We have had to settle for 'Jerseys' from the supermarket (nice hot, cold, sliced and reheated fried in butter...

  8. 'Jerseys' are a lovely new potato Tigger's Mum. You should write that recipe book.


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 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...