Sunday, 14 April 2024

The First Picture Of Our First Flat Lettuce Of Summer. Well Spring Anyway!.


I picked our first flat lettuce from the polytunnel yesterday.  The slug pubs are doing a brilliant job stopping my veggies being devoured.  Every day they are full of dead critters and I empty outside and replenish them

It's worth asking your friends and neighbours if they have any old passed it's sell by date pop or beer.  You could even drink it if you are bit hard up?  No seriously let the slugs and snails 🐌 ha  drink it and have a last drink on you.

We had BLT sandwiches 🥪 for tea last night made with Japanese onions 🌰 and our flat lettuce and Lidl 🍅 tomatoes. It's a very light and very tasty.

If you look at the etymology of vegetables like I am always doing.  You will see they originate in ancient Egypt and then the Romans took it to China, Cos and all over Europe.

Lettuce is said to be good for digestion and for sleep.

Do you like flat lettuce or Iceberg kind of lettuce?

Bacon 🥓 lettuce and 🍅 tomato sandwich or what ever you like?  

Remember this song from the eighties?


  1. That looks like what I know as Butter lettuce. Everyone I know hates Iceberg as much as I do, it's so tasteless. I prefer a mix of Cos lettuce and Oak Leaf lettuce with a bit of butter lettuce when I'm making a green salad. For sandwiches any of those will do, but NEVER iceberg.

  2. We sing from the same hymn sheet River. I am not a fan of Iceberg lettuce either. Lettuce are easy to grow in plant pots. My rabbits are also flat lettuce fans.

  3. I don't enjoy iceberg lettuce, I love a soft flat leaf, I also enjoy the tiny mixed leaves to which I add some rocket, which are growing well here at the moment. I am on snail duty every time I am in the garden, as for slugs I can only pick them up on a trowel, most of the time it's hubby's job.

  4. Hi Marlene. We are not big fans of iceberg lettuce either. I planted some Pak Choi yesterday that I grew from seed. The slug pubs are working really well. Going out at night with a bucket and torch reaps slugs and snails rewards.

    1. Other years I have accepted the loss of flowers to bugs, but this year with growing veg I am being proactive, I have copper rings which I have had for year which also help, not cheap to purchase, but they last years.

  5. Yes I have read copper rings are very good at deterring gastropods. Spreading sea weed around brassicas also works. I scatter broken egg shells on the vegetables beds. The predators don't like the jagged edges and the shells add calcium to the soil

  6. We like a small Cos or spicy salad leaf mix.

  7. I enjoyed that song even though I had never heard it before. I like any kind of lettuce but nowadays I always buy romaine hearts from "Lidl" as they last a long time in the fridge. Congratulations on your first flat leaf of the year!

  8. Thanks YP. I never understood how supermarket lettuces stay looking fresh so long. Perhaps they spray something on them? Mine wilt and curl up within a day.

  9. I like crunchy lettuce but we no longer grow them as they get eaten by the garden creatures whatever we try to do to protect them.

  10. Have you tried growing them in plant pots in the green JayCee? I had another bumper slug pub harvest this morning.

  11. Oh...bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches are fine. In the summer, when we are up to our armpits in tomatoes, my favorite thing is a thick slice of tomato on a good bread, toasted.

  12. Sounds delicious Debby. They are such light meals especially in Summer.


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