Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Seconds Out. Round Two.

 I beat the cats 4 2 last night.  But something had been digging in 2 of the parsnips and carrots 🥕 barrels.

Thanks for you comments and advice yesterday about deterring cats 🐈 from the veg garden.

We bought some plastic netting from Dealz in Killarney about a month ago.  It's Ireland's equivalent to Poundland and it only cost a Euros fifty.  

I took my polytunnel scissors ✂️ and cut squares from the netting and draped them over the growing containers and placed the prickly sticks back on top and gave them a good watering.

Hopefully this will solve the cat problem?


  1. I hope so GZ. They know how to rest the gardeners patience.😊

  2. Waiting for the next episode ! Cats or Dave?

  3. They are crafty creatures Linda. I saw two wild rabbits in the field this morning. I hope they don't find our vegetables.

  4. I don't know why you didn't just put up a "cats keep off" notice.

  5. I won't be going to Bantry post office for cat licenses Tasker. If I was in Germany 🇩🇪 it would be a sign saying: "Verboten" Or it is forbidden in English. Folk down sarf would put up a sign saying: "Keep off the grass or vegetables please!"🙂

  6. I still think my air rifle idea would be more effective.

  7. Perhaps a scarecrow dressed like Boris Johnson would deter them?

    1. Trouble is that such a scarecrow would be bound to attract vermin.

    2. There will be a lot of ex Tory councillors looking for scarecrow posts after next weeks local elections.

  8. Nets always work for me, but it does get harder as the veg grows. I make cages around my beds.

  9. Hi Marlene. The nets seem to be working. No damage or cat intrusion to report today. It's always one step forwards one step backwards when you grow stuff.

    1. It's always one step forwards one step backwards when you have cats, Northsider. Good luck keeping one step ahead of them.

  10. Thanks Debby. Slugs and snails and four legs with tails keep me and my veggies on my toes.😊


Three Fat German Shepherd Puppies.

 Remember in December 2023 when Heidi our German Shepherdess bitch had ten beautiful 🐶 puppies 🐶? Well we bred her again when she last cam...