Wednesday, 3 April 2024

The Parable Of A Successful Vegetable Sower.

 Yay and it come to pass a couple of weeks ago I did taketh packets of vegetables seeds and filleth plastic modules with rich compost from the fat of the land or garden centre.  I did cut openth with scissors packets of seeds and scattereth thus a multitude of seeds:

I have ended up with over forty tomato plants and lots of other vegetable plants like 140 + leeks.

I have over twenty Globe Artichokes.  I only wanted an handful.  Hopefully they will all grow into strong sturdy plants that I can sell, swap or even give away? 

I was only complaining the other day that I had only eight cherry tomato seeds in a packet.    Have you ever had too much germination success with your vegetables seeds?

All my leeks.  Over 140 in one module tray and hmm...., in another..   I have more germinating in a plant pot.  We will have lots of potato and leek soup next autumn and winter.  

We even had  some for our dinner yesterday along with some homemade and home baked bread.  

Are you busy sowing seeds for your garden, planters or allotment?  I think I have sown enough for a lot of people?


  1. Can you do a deal with Tesco?

    1. I can't provide the vegetables but I can sell them some veg plants and some perennials and shrubs JayCee. On condition they start selling English bitter in their Irish stores again. Why can I not get any Newcastle Brown in West Cork?

  2. Kathy in Wales3 April 2024 at 01:51

    I have been mean with the number of seeds I have planted this year as I hate composting good plants. Germination was a bit patchy on peppers and tomatos, but I still have enough. Having had our two dilapidated conservatories rebuilt, I no longer have glassed roof areas for seedling growing (oh how I miss them) but I have had great success with a small grow light. The result is very short and sturdy plants, already developing side shoots. peas and beans got off toa good start with the extra light, but outgrew it quickly. I used the light to boost daylight during a 12 hour period.
    Pleased with the results

  3. Hi Kathy. You sound really geared up. I have thought about artificial grow lights. I have never grown Globe Artichokes before but I have had too much success with their germination. Do you never have plant sales or go selling at car boot sales? I am waiting like everyone for the weather to improve. Good to read your pleased with the results.

  4. The Lord hath blesseth thy seed and maketh it fecund. "Therefore go out and multiply!" saith Saint Monty.
    "Run!" shouteth the maidens of Durrus and Bantry.

  5. Fecund is a great word Mr Pudding. I will add it to my vocabulary along with verdant. The only thing I have similar to Monty is we have a Golden Retriever.

  6. I too have not sown so many seeds, I only have a small space, but my seeds are much slower than pervious years, hopefully now the weather is getting warmer they will start to grow.

  7. Yes Marlene seedlings growth is very slow this year. The last 2 winters have been the wettest since records began in 1836. Hopefully things will start to dry up and warm up?

  8. Sungold tomatoes, last in packet, 7 out of 7.
    Runner beans sow by 2022 packet, still at least 20 remaining, 5 out of 8 so far germinated indoors this week and moved into pots in greenhouse today.
    One row of carrot seeds sown today in the old half water butt as recommended by Northsider. Picture will be posted if it stops raining so I can take one.

  9. Holy cow. You are taking this be fruitful and multiply business to the extreme, man!!!

  10. Yes Debby. If the wife can knit. Then I can sow.😀

  11. I remember one year in the early 1980s when I was disgusted that only one or two tomato plants ever reached the point of fruiting and sparsely at that, so I planted the entire side of the driveway with 24 tomato seedlings. Boy did they grow! hundreds of tomatoes growing green and fat on the vines and they all ripened at once the week I was in hospital for minor surgery. Hubby didn't think to pick any and give them away or cook them or even use them for sandwiches or salads.

  12. It must of people a wondersight sight? I would love a glut of tomatoes this year River.


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